Tomorrow night, I have a date with Billie. I find myself getting giddy at the idea, but also very nervous. She keeps kissing my cheek, which is adorable, but I have a feeling she's waiting until our first date.

I want her to kiss me, and I want it to go right. I'm sure Billie is good at it, but I haven't gotten any practice.

Billie and I walk up to her car at the end of school and I walk to my side, not opening the door, so Billie can practice her gentlemanly habit.

She follows me to the passenger door, but doesn't open it. Instead, Billie walks up to me, closer and closer until my back is pushed up against the car, warm from the sun. She places her hands on either side of my body and leans in so our noses touch, "You are so tempting," she admits.

My breath hitches, and I freeze in anticipation.

She smiles, "But I can wait," and pulls away, opening my door.

"Billie," I exasperate with red cheeks, "That's the second time you've done that."

She giggles, "It's fun to watch your reaction."

"Ugh," I say, a stubborn smile on my features.

Billie buckles my seat belt for me, once again allowing her face to get close to mine. This time, however, she's focused away from me and I have a view of her beautiful side profile coupled with her earrings. Her hair falls over her face as she pushes it in and I internally drool at the sight.

She looks at me and smirks before leaning out of the car and getting in her side. I watch as her ring-clad hand wraps around the gear shift before she places her hand behind my seat to look back and reverse.

I watch as she focuses her attention behind the car, making sure not to hit any pedestrians, and gaze at her jawline, exposed by her position.

She turns back forward to drive out of the parking lot, and I watch her hands gracefully steer the wheel, manipulating Dragon's every move with a simple touch.

"You like my hands?" She asks.

I look away from her hands to catch her eye. She looks back at the road after smirking for a moment and rests her right hand on my lap. She doesn't hold my thigh, but leaves it palm up, as if allowing me to inspect it. I stare at it for a couple minutes, and she keeps it completely still.

I gain the courage to touch it and go to move her finger. As soon as I make contact with it, she grabs my hand, making me squeal.

"Hahaha!" She laughs, unable to hold herself together, "You screamed like a little girl."

I huff and cross my arms, "I wasn't expecting that."

She just chuckles a bit more, patting my thigh in comfort before pulling into my driveway, "Alright, Sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

I blush, "Bye, Billie."

I get out of the car and walk into my house, hearing the roar of Billie's engine once I open the door. I go up into my bedroom and drop my bag on the floor.

I continue to think about Billie and I's first kiss. She clearly wants it, especially after her stunt before we got in the car. I'm just so nervous. I don't want her to kiss me and immediately lose feelings.

I look to the poster on my wall. It's for Dirty Dancing. I've always wondered why the woman on it captivated my attention so.

I slowly step towards it until I'm standing face to face with her sparkling eyes and beautiful smile.

What if I just kissed it? No one's here. And I could learn, see what feels best.

I look back to my doorway before slowly leaning in and placing my lips on hers. I try to move slowly and Imagine how someone else might kiss back.

When I finally pull away from the woman, I look into her eyes.

I really just did that.


Why do I like it when I like someone who doesn't like me back ?? Is that some weird kink lmao. Also that does not bode well for my mental health

Questioning//BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now