Chapter 6

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⚠️Trigger warning, attempted ss⚠️

I laid in the cot. Staring with a blank mind at the ceiling, a lot was going through my mind. I haven't slept for over 24 hours. Most people would be falling into a deep sleep right about now, not me. I was scared the nightmare's would be back. My brain making me re live the worst moments of my life. My dreams were never exactly what happened, it was usually worst. I don't remember much of my past since my brain tries to block the worst out of my head. Before I was about to go into a deep thought, I fell asleep. 

I shot up in the cot. My stomach was nauseous and I felt very lightheaded. I looked around the dark room where the cots were. The room was dark and empty, the temperature seemed to have dropped 40 degrees. I could see my breath faintly. Something was different and I knew it. My breathing sped up slightly as I got out of the cot. I didn't see my shoes so I had to walk around with my bare feet. The floor was freezing and everything felt not real. I walked to the window that lead outside, I looked out but everything was foggy so I couldn't see anything. I walked out and it was even colder but I wanted to know what was going on. Maybe Percy or Annabeth were upstairs with Clarisse still. I walked down the corridor and got halfway before I head something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Y/N..." After the voice finished, a gunshot followed.

Tears started to trickle down my face, my thoughts got fuzzy and my heart was beating fast. I turned around quickly and jumped back. I screamed at what I saw behind me, tears were now streaming down my face. I saw a boy around 17 in a chair with a bloody gunshot hole in his head. I turned quickly and sprinted as fast as I could the opposite way. The faster I ran the slower it seemed I was going. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest and my breathing was rapid. 

"Do you feel anything after that!" A voice yelled.

I covered my ears and tried to protect myself. I looked up and there was a middle aged women on the ground with suffocation marks around her neck. I backed up and didn't stop, I stared at the women before me. Her body was pale and her eyes were wide open with panic. I could feel something start to suffocate me from inside me. I backed up further but was stopped by something. I didn't want to turn around. My face was puffy and my eyes hurt, my stomach got more nauseous from all the crying. I turned around slowly, hugged myself trying to not go insane. I gasped at the sight I saw. A boy around my age. He was hanging from the ceiling, his hands tied above him. There were stab wounds around his body and I looked up to his face. His eyes were wide open and lifeless. His neck was slit open, blood was spewing from his neck and onto me. I dropped to the ground and covered my head. My head was spinning in all directions and brought the rest of my body with it. 

"Please help me, I'm sorry!" I cried into my hands. Suddenly I heard Percy's voice. I looked up quickly. I looked up hoping to see Percy and out of my head, his voice got louder in my head. I saw Percy in front of me with a gunshot hold going right through his heart, he dropped to the ground and I realized who was holding the gun. I was. I was holding a pistol pointed right at him. I threw my hands up and dropped the pistol. I looked around panicking, the only thing I saw in the dark room were the dead bodies of everyone I knew. Percy, Annabeth, Tyson, Clarisse, my father, my mother, soldiers I was friends with in training, and even the boys from school. I looked into my hands and saw the pistol. I threw it and dropped. I was crying uncontrollable, my head was aching from all the screams. I kept hearing the screams of everyone. My hands were shaking as I held them on my face, trying to cover it. 

I got up with only one thought in mind. I saw a door in the distance and sprinted to it, I avoided the dead bodies. Tears still pouring down my face. I got to the meddle door of the CSS Birmingham, I threw the door open and stepped outside. The wind was raging and the ocean's waves were being thrown onto the deck. My body felt fuzzy and my breathing was deepening. I head Percy's voice faintly calling my name, then the words began to shake. I ignored all of it with only one thought in mind. I carefully walked to the edge of the ship, I looked down at the sea. I stepped onto the railing and stood waiting for the winds to push. I fell into the violent water. The world still seemed to shake and I could even still here Percy's voice calling my name. The waves swallowed my up and I let the salty water into my lungs to stop the voices. They stopped, everything stopped. It was all peace for maybe 3 seconds.

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