Chapter 1

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I woke up as usual, my arm sore from the amount of people I had to pin down at training. The time on my phone said 5:00 am. My bed is like a loft but there is a built in room under, my bathroom. I took off my navy blue comforter and sat up, I realized what day it was and my shoulders dropped. It was Monday, the first day of the week I had to go to school. I hate school, you will soon hate it with me. I climbed down my ladder, tripping on the fourth step down. My room is maybe the size of an average living room. I have my wooden linen floors, with a light blue moon rug in the center. 

I walk to my dresser which is to the right of me. I get changed into my private, preppy, school uniform. My plain black collared shirt, a blue tie, with my plaid skirt. My school colors are red, blue, black, so they are all incorporated into the uniform. I pull my platinum blonde hair that goes to mid back, into a high ponytail leaving my bangs that go an inch past my face out. I take out socks and put them on, I get my black boots and strap those on. Ready for another day of torture, I rather go back to training. I open my door and grab a piece of bread a maid had on a plate for the breakfast I was supposed to eat. She looked back to me and I ran to my stairs, I slid down the railing and landed perfectly.

I grabbed my backpack that I already pre-packed the night before and opened my huge front door. As a 13 year old I would say my height of 5'2 is average, this door is around 6'5 though. Its huge, for a huge house though. I walked out the front door and then out to the street in front of my house. I strolled past all the houses on the streets, all smaller then mine. My house was huge, we have never struggled with money, my dad has a huge part in the military so he has good income. Our house is on its own property, the forest is right behind our house, but I have been forbidden to ever go there. I never asked why, if I did, my father would be angry for questioning his authority. 

I stay quiet and listen to my orders that have been given. The sky outside was cloudy, no sun, just clouds. The weather is perfect for me, I have a weird thing with my skin. Its so pale that the slightest bit of sun that hits it, gives me a nasty sun burn. Finally I arrive at my preppy, private, stuck up, middle school. I walk into the front gates that are covered with our emblem. A bunch of kids walked around all in the same uniform, well the girls were. The boys here had similar ones except they got to wear black shorts or pants depending if they wanted to. No matter the weather, us girls were always told to wear our skirts. Its stupid.

I walk into the huge building, I pass people I know and don't know. I push my way through a huge crowd, covering the new students all the girls are gawking over. Somehow, I got to my first period. I'm not much of a talker, so I don't have any friends. At all, I just sit by myself and focus on my education. I check the time on the clock above Mrs. Weather's desk. I have 40 minutes before class starts, I decide to leave my backpack and take myself to the bathroom. Or washroom which is the way I'm supposed to say it aloud. I push myself through the now really crowded halls filled with girls and boys. I turn a hard right into the girls bathroom. With my luck I wont come across daisy's path today. I walk in and see the one girl I hated to see. Daisy Merited, the most preppy, stuck up, jerk, bully, I have more harsh words for her. I roll my eyes seeing her put on her pounds of make up she desperately needs. She usually has two copy cats by her, maybe they are absent. I don't know nor care. I walk to one of the stalls and she notices me.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." She said with a huge smirk, right then her two goons, twice my size, walk in.

"Daisy, I just want to go to the washroom in peace, leave me alone," I rolled my eyes and reached for the stall door.

 I was jerked back and fell to the floor. I looked up annoyed to see all three girls staring and laughing at me. I tried to get up but Millie, on of her goons, pushed my down again. The most irritating thing is that I could easily pin them and do damage to them. I cant though, I was told to never, ever use my skills outside of training, I can only use them if its life or death. I decided today is not the day to start something. Quin, they other goon, pulled me up and pinned me against the wall. My head hit the tile hard, I saw some serious stars. They always threatened me saying they were gonna hurt me one day. Apparently that day is today. So stoked... not. Millie threw a left hook towards my face as Daisy looked and laughed. I couldn't hurt them, but I didn't want to have an injury today, so I will simply dodge. I threw my body left with all my might, Quin dropped me and I fell to the floor. I put my hands behind my back, making sure I wouldn't instinctively throw a punch. 

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