Of course there were some protests, most of the Northern Parliament did not want Rossiya to get replaced since she is a great strong smart leader. Who is very good.

While others thought that whoever is the strongest should be the one to lead and prove themselves.

Later that night, (since they're gonna battle tomorrow)

" aww don't be like that..." Arkhangelsk said, sitting on Kronshtadt's lap. Nuzzling her.

" I just don't understand! I'm more fit to lead! I'm stronger! And I've been on more missions and Sorties than Belorussiya! So I'm clearly more experienced than her!" Kronshtadt said, unable to quarrel her feelings. Feeling like if Rossiya would just hand over the leadership to her than she wouldn't be doing any of this. Seeing Arkhangelsk sigh and say " oh baby, but you've got a bad bad temper.." booping Kronshtadt's nose. Knowing that when Kronshtadt gets mad... things just crumble around her... literally... I mean her ship is a beast so when she's mad her power gets less controlled/regulated and well...

Belorussiya never liked Kronshtadt. She felt like she was a brute. And that she had a bad attitude all around. She never treats people/ships right. It's like she just doesn't care about them or their wellbeing. Feelings either. A lot of ships don't like Kronshtadt. While other ships admired Kronshtadt a lot.

Belorussiya also felt like Kronshtadt should be grateful or honored that Rossiya let her take lead in the Southern cold of the world. But no... she wants to rule the North and the South.

Belorussiya was arguing with Rossiya to not do this, and give her the leadership so she can fight Kronshtadt. Feeling like she has a better chance against her, and it's also to prove herself on why she should lead.

Rossiya wasn't having it. Refusing to do that. Not going to back down. As Rossiya was still the leader and it's gonna be that way until she can no longer be of use.

Belorussiya knew that Rossiya was in no condition to fight. She had just recently come back from a mission that left her badly hurt. She may not look or show she's injured or hurting but she really is. Not to mention Rossiya's an old ship and has health problems from that. So..

Belorussiya just felt like Rossiya is gonna let her pride destroy the Northern Parliament. Knowing if Kronshtadt wins the first thing she's gonna do is remove themselves from Azur Lane since she feels like they shouldn't be giving any support to them at all as they hardly ever have any contact with them in the first place. Than is gonna convince/force out the Chinese ships from the alliance because she feels the same about them and they're closer to the Northern Parliament in geolocation placement than Azur Lane's geolocation placement. Than convince the other ships as the French ships and Italian Ships to leave the alliance as well since they're also part of that closer geolocation to them instead of Azur Lane. And even try to get the Japanese ships too since they're closer in geolocation to China so she felt like they should be part of their alliance as well.

Of course of Azur Lane knew about this there would be a great amount of protest, conflict, and divide which ain't helping anybody but the Sirens.

The next day had arrived and everyone (all the Russian ships) were gathered outside. Waiting for a battle to begin.

Rossiya saw Kronshtadt standing there. Impatiently waiting for her to get on the water.

Pamiat of course had the look on her face where she really didn't want her to fight. Because she cared a lot about Rossiya, and the truth is everyone knows Rossiya's an old ship and when you compare class... when though Rossiya is good frame which is great Kronshtadt's a rainbow frame so... you know there's a certain amount of bs gonna happen here.

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