"You can stay here and get yourself ready a bit, I'll go set the table," he said to her, getting off the bed and exiting the room.

Marinette's heart was still beating fast from their close proximity earlier. Sure, they had been dating for what, two years, but she still hadn't gotten used to his love language; physical touch and affection.

She often would hug her parents, or kiss their cheek, but that was family. Here we're talking about the boy she had fallen madly in love with to the point where she couldn't form a single sentence around, now giving her every bit of affection he could give.

She swore he was too good for her sometimes.

Getting up from the bed, she straightened out her shirt that had ruffled up in her bed, heading for her dresser and brushing out her hair, tying into a ponytail so it wouldn't get in her food later.

She climbed down the stairs, not thinking much about him keeping their dinner a secret.

Until she entered the dining room of course.

Her hands reached up to cup her mouth, an audible gasp escaping her lips drawing Adrien's attention to her.

"Oh, you're down already," he straightened up, hiding something behind his back.

"Adrien..." her voice trailed off as he stepped up to her, revealing what was behind his back.

A red rose.

"For you," he bowed, to which she laughed at, accepting the flower.

"What's all this for?" she asked as he pushed her in her seat.

"For your hard work, and because I love you," he replied swiftly, taking his own seat.

He had went out of his way to buy all of Marinette's favourite foods from her parents bakery, which was about a forty-five minute drive from their neighbourhood. He had gotten their signature quiche, along with some cupcakes and danishs.

She couldn't tell it was her parents' cooking until she bit into the quiche, and her eyes immediately lit up.

"You did not," she said in disbelief, eying him. He nodded, smirking.

"But I did," he said, and she almost immediately took another forkful.

"You're unbelievable," she said to him once she swallowed it. "I can't believe you drove all the way there just for this."

"I would drive across the whole world and back for you," he said, and she laughed, covering her mouth.

"You're so cheesy," she cringed at his confession, and he put a hand to his heart.

"How dare you say that," he pouted, acting offended.

"I mean, realistically that would be impossible," she pointed out.

Adrien shook his head, leaning forwards and reaching out for her hand. "It's a figure of speech, it's not about being realistic, Mari."

His thumb stroked her hand as he looked at her dearly, leaving her tongue tied.

All she could do is look back at him, because at the moment, she was malfunctioning. Holding her hand and looking at her like that was the bare minimum, yet it still left her speechless.

Adrien grinned cheekily at her reaction, teasing her. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?"

At this, she groaned, swatting his hand away.

"One day, one day without cat puns is all I ask for," she wagged her pointer finger in the air.

"Me-ouch," he flinched back, her giving him a stern look before he dropped it completely.

     "Open your mouth!"

"Adrien, I can feed myself!"

"But I want to feed you!"

"I'm not a child!"


The couple we're sat in front of the TV, watching Jagged Stone's reality show with their pastries, Adrien insisting to feed Marinette a croissant.

She frowned at him when he drew it back from her grasp for the tenth time.

"Give," she said, crossing her arms.

"Open your mouth then I'll feed you," he told her. She huffed in defeat, opening her mouth.

With a smirk, he brought it up to her mouth and waited for her to bite down on it. Once she did, he put it back on the plate he was holding, looking at her triumphly.

"There we go, wasn't that nice?" he teased, leaning forwards as he spoke.

She simply rolled her eyes as she kept chewing. "I'm twenty-six, not six," she protested after, making him laugh.

"You know, there something called 'affection' and that's what I'm trying to give you," he said as his hands made its way around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Like this," he demonstrated by planting a kiss on her cheek and snuggling his head into her neck.

The girl's face seared, and she felt flustered once more; she never could get used to all these tricks he pulls, even if it's been years.

She turned around slightly so she could hug him back, an arm over his neck and another over his chest, pushing them back against the couch.

When Adrien lifted his head to lay, he noticed her pink face and couldn't help but smirk at the sight; he knew he still made her a blushing mess to this day and he thought it was adorable.

"I love you, you know that?" he blurted out suddenly, making her heart jump out of her chest.

"I love you too," she responded softly, heart beating fast still.

As if that wasn't enough to make her heart race, he lifted her chin so they made eye contact, looking into her eyes lovingly.

"Do you know that I love you, Marinette?"

Her heart hammered against her chest, unable to bring herself to speak. She exhaled, before speaking.

"I do."


He leaned in, and so did she. Their lips met, and it felt amazing. Everytime. The spark was never missing.

where are the men like adrien where can i find them where is who is how do i get 😁🙏

love square fluffs & angstsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon