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an au where alya knows marinette's identity, despite her not being guardian. how she found out? i'll leave that to your imagination :D

It was Chat's turn to patrol that night, and he didn't waste any time to get up and leap from roof to roof that beautiful starry night.

What he didn't expect was to see his spotted-heroine partner perched by their usual meeting spot on the Trocedero, overlooking Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

Deciding to go see her, he vaulted over, landing on the building with a soft grunt.

"I didn't expect to see you out tonight," he broke the silence, and Ladybug turned around in surprise.

"Oh, Chat, hi," she flashed a small smile at him, hand on her chest as she recovered from that little jump.

"What's got you here?" he asked, taking a sit right beside her.

She let out a long sigh, tipping her head before answering.

"I don't know, if I'm being honest. I just needed to clear my mind," she told him.

Chat gazed at her contently, wanting to try and read her expression. It was a particularly foreign one if he were honest, the little smile she wore gave off a different energy and her eyes kept flickering from the landmark in front of them to the streets below.

"M'lady, if something's bothering you, you know you could tell me, right?" he placed a hand on hers, and he could feel her flinch slightly.

"I uhm... well--i-it's not really bothering me, but it's been stuck in my head the whole week," her lips pressed into a thin line as she refused to keep eye contact.

"Try and describe it," he suggested, taking his hand off hers as he presumed she felt uncomfortable, given the fact she had flinched earlier.

The truth was, Ladybug wanted nothing more than his hand to remind securely on top of hers.

She had been thinking, ever since Alya had pointed out the fact that she had worried so much about Chat, that she possibly had feelings for him. She couldn't say that she was wrong, because her heart stopped whenever he sacrificed himself so she could defeat an akuma, and she began to feel her cheeks warm up whenever he called her 'M'lady' or 'Bugaboo'.

Her hand had briefly shifted towards him for that warmth to return, but she had to stop herself. She couldn't do something like that. Not yet.

"I just...Do you ever feel like, after someone's pointed out something it's only then you realise? I never noticed it until they did, and ever since it's been just there, I can't stop thinking about it," she blurted out finally, bluebell eyes meeting his forest green ones.

She had a pure look of desperation, like she wanted the answer to that thought so badly.

"It's been running through my head like someone's turned on a treadmill and forgot to turn it off, and I can't find the power button, it's just so nerveracking, but I want to admit it but I'm not ready? I don't know," she continued to ramble, hands expressing herself.

"Why don't you try practicing what you feel like you need to admit with me? I can help," he offered, but the idea only made her panic even more, maybe because she was supposed to say it to him.

"Well..." his partner's voice trailed off as she turned to look up at him. "Just let the words spill out, M'lady. Speak from the heart, we'll go from there."

Ladybug took a deep breath, taking his hands in hers before letting it all out.

"Chat, I love you. I finally realised, I realise how much I care about you, I've been so stupid! The way I needed someone to point it out, you sacrificed yourself so many times and I never realised. I was so close to loosing you, back in New York, yet I never realised. How loyal you are, how much trust you put in me, how you believed in me when no one else did which is why we are here right now today. I was so stupid, so blind, so ignorant, so clueless! But now, now I realise, and I know, I'm certain, I love you, Chat Noir. J'e t'aime."

Chat was so speechless at her confession, his mouth was wide open in shock, he couldn't find a single word to speak that moment.

"I'm sorry, I know that's probably super unexpected, but I really needed to get it out," she suddenly apologised as her cheeks burned, breaking the intense eye contact between them.

"M'lady," Chat gently reached up and cupped her face so she was facing him once more.

He leaned in a little, head tilted before he spoke again. "Can I kiss you? After what you just said it's the only thing I can think to respond with to so I--"

She had practically thrown herself against him, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. Their hearts raced, Chat pulling Ladybug closer as they savoured every moment of it.

"I love you," the said in unison, laughter ringing out afterwards.

"Who knew my patrol night would turn out like this?" he sighed as they faced the Eiffel Tower once more.

"Well, I think it's good I could finally get that off my chest," she chuckled softly.

Hesitant, her fingers crawled over to his, intertwining them together. He instantly glanced at her with a surprised look, but didn't pull away. Instead, he moved closer, both of them enjoying the view of the Eiffel Tower shimmering in the night sky, the confession and first kiss they shared leaving them in a comfortable silence for the rest of the night.

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