moving in

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wholesome post-reveal adrienette for you guys yayay :D

"Finally!" Marinette sighed in relief, flopping down on the couch of the new house's living room.

She had finally finished unpacking those last few boxes for her new house which she would share with her fiancé, Adrien Agresté.

Their lives as adults were much calmer than their teenage years back then, as they had defeated Hawkmoth and revealed each other's identities afterward.

It had been almost three years since they had started officially started dating, and about six months since he proposed to her, and if she was going to be honest, she was still very much perplexed.

Sometimes she would forget Adrien and Chat were the same person, but he would always remind her of that with his constant punning and teases.

Speaking of the devil.

"Tired, M'lady?" he asked with a smirk, bounding down the stairs as his car keys jingled.

"Yeah," she said with a laugh at the end, resting her head against the couch.

"Where are you going?" she asked when she eyed him holding the keys.

"I'm going to get us food," he replied, walking over to her and leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead.

She smiled at him, reaching out for his free hand.

"What are you going to get?" she questioned, because he usually asked for her order.

"Surprise!" he sing-songed, caressing her palm before releasing it.

"I'll be back in a bit okay? Rest first," he said to her, heading out.

     When Adrien came back with their dinner, he snuck into the kitchen, placing all the packaged food onto the counter, before heading to the living room to see if Marinette was still resting there. When he saw that she wasn't, the next place he headed for was their bedroom, and sure enough, that's where he found her.

She was curled up in a little ball under the covers, Tikki and Plagg rested on top. Now that Hawkmoth was no longer active, their kwamis could go around freely.

He smiled at the sight, placing his car keys on the dresser and softly climbing onto the bed.

"Marinette," he whispered, slightly pulling the blanket off her face. He reached out, cupping her face gently.

"Princess, I'm back, do you want to eat?" he asked her, still in a whisper. She stirred, opening her eyes and getting flustered at how close he was.

"Huh?" was all she said, her freckles standing out more thanks to the pink tint across the bridge of her nose and on her cheeks.

He chuckled, speaking again. "Do you want to eat now?"

She nodded, slowly getting up. Plagg and Tikki were forced to fly off to another spot, (no peaceful sleeping with them, as Plagg would put it), so she didn't squish them, thankfully.

Rubbing her eyes, she looked up at him with a small smile and other tired features; she was so worked out from the unpacking spree.

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