Chapter 1: Welcome

Start from the beginning

In the distance, where the sun was finally beginning to peak on the horizon, she saw the outline of a sign – too dark to see any sort of writing, but she'll get close enough to see eventually. The sun rising made her dread the day. She's going to be sleeping the day away!

As the sign became more visible though, Arwen became more and more suspicious. From here she could see it was white and some darker colour – green or blue? No, green. It was green. The colour of caterpillar – and she couldn't believe what the shit she was reading on that sign.


It was in some sort of classical bold italics with a star in green decorated on either side.

Arwen blinked once, then twice, and then three times before she looked around for any sign of Australian wildlife. There were no marsupials in the trees or leaping in the undergrowth, there were no gum trees or bottle brushes, and there were certainly still no dried bark on the ground that crackled and snapped as she walked.

Oh, my fuck, Arwen thought, her heart racing and her throat tightening. Oh fuck! This explains the fucking car on the wrong side of the road.

Arwen ran a hand through her hair. "Shit! This can't be real! How did I get here over night?" One fact she knew about TVD was that Mystic Falls was a real place in Virginia; how'd she get to America? Was this some sort of Australian replica?

The blonde looked down at her phone which had little to no reception. Only one bar. At least her phone was on high percent, she didn't really use it during the night of the club so it was on eighty-nine. Arwen tapped on the contacts app and went to scroll down to find Melanie or perhaps even Sierra's number but there was absolutely nothing – no numbers to scroll down or up. Her entire contact list was blank! Did someone wipe her phone?

Swallowing thickly, Arwen slipped her phone back into her pocket and began to walk past the sign and into the direction the road was leading.

God, if she ever wanted to just suddenly drop dead and not worry about a thing in life it would be right here and right now.


WALKING AROUND IN the town of Mystic Falls was something Arwen ever thought she'd do in her life. She never really saw herself going to places like this, along with Disney Land. Arwen never thought she'd even leave Australia. No, hold on, she can't be in America, there is no way. No, this has to be some sort of prank pulled on her or perhaps she did what she originally thought and sleepwalked to some Australian replica of Mystic Falls? But overhearing everyone's American accents definitely caused heavy doubts.

Arwen walked until her legs hurt, and she eventually stopped at a bench at some town park. Bored, Arwen tried to think of a scene she once saw from TVD that happened in this park but she couldn't think of anything. God, she wished she paid attention to the show enough to at least have fangirl excitement take over her nervousness – but alas she was never into it like Melanie is.

It was only at this moment Arwen had realised all she had on her was her phone. She didn't have her ID or her bank card, so she was completely screwed there. Arwen also had no contacts on her phone and she only hoped someone came looking for her soon.

After a while, Arwen decided she had enough rest and went to walk around again. God, what was she doing? She can't be this helpless! Everyone around her stared as she walked by, and Arwen assumed it was because of her white-blonde hair. Not that it mattered. Was it so foreign for tourists to see white-blonde hair? Arwen knew other people her age and younger dyed their hair – and while hers may not be dyed, people could easily just assume.

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