How you met

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I was walking on the shore on a lonely day. I sat on the sand I looked out in the distance. Far away I saw a pair of legs in the water, it took a minute to process what was happening

"Oh crap they're drowning!"

I rushed in and tried to save the person, I managed to pull him out of the water and I grabbed the hat that was next to him.

Soon he opened his eyes and started spitting out water "Are you okay?" I asked

He just turned and grabbed his hat "Thank you! Heh heh I'm Monkey. D Luffy and I fell off my ship and I guess the water brought me here"

He scratched the back of his head "Want to join my crew?" He asked

"What!? I just met you" I laughed "Yeah but you saved me so I think that your cool, and we need more girls on the crew"

I thought for a second "Will we ever come back to this island?" I asked "Not unless you want to, we're looking for the one piece so probably not"

I smiled "Ok then I'm coming with you!.. now where's your ship?"

He looked around "Oh crap! Sunny!"

Zoro wondered into a forest and managed to get himself lost again

He ended up following the noise of something hitting a tree when he saw a woman with a synth

"Hey! Do you know that way to the docks I forgot were it is" Zoro asked

Y/N looked at him "Um yeah it that way" She pointed in the direction of the docks

"Thanks" said Zoro as he walked the opposite direction of where she pointed

Y/N laughed and grabbed onto his left arm "Here it's this way idiot"

Zoro blushed "I'm not a idiot, just directionally challenged"

"Yeah I can see that Roranora Zoro, I'll lead you there" she giggled as she pulled him along

"Dang at this point I'm going to have to take you with me so I don't ever get lost"

As someone who has a Devil fruit, I naturally can't swim

So you might be wondering why I'm telling you this... maybe because ok literally going to drown!

I was waving my arms around for someone to help me

I closed my eyes and prepared for my death whe suddenly I felt arms around me and the person started pulling me up

As I we hit the surface I gasped for air "Are you ok? I saw your crew through you over board"

My eyes watered up "Hey! I don't cry, it will be so sad to see a beautiful woman cry"

He looked up at his ship "Hey can someone help us up" 

I walked over to my ship while carrying the groceries I just bought. But as I approached I saw a man sitting on the ledge of my boat

"Oh hey, I was wondering if the owner of this beautiful ship would ever come back" he jumped down

I looked him up and down "Who are you and why were you on my ship?" I asked as I walked onto my ship

"Oh sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Portgas D Ace, and I'm here because I wanted a favour"

He follows me as I put my groceries on the table "Ok... and that is?"

He scratched the back of his head "Can you take me to Alabasta?" He asked

My eye basically shot out of my eyes "That far!"

"Please, my little brother is going there and I have to meet up with him before he gets there"

I sighed "Fine but only if you help me around here, it's hard managing a ship on your own"

He snuck behind me and took a apple "Yeah I hear you, also you might need more food if I'm around "

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