nine. | ot7

46 0 0

requested concept pt. 2


A loud stomach growl interrupted the mini cuddle fest. Everyone pulled away and looked at a grinning Tae, " You guys hungry? Because I am."

There was silence as we stared at the now blushing boy who adorned a shy smile due to the many eyes on him. Then we all burst into laughter and secretly cooed at his cuteness in our heads.

The awkward tension still lingered as secrets were kept but they ignored it by stuffing all of their faces with food. You listened and ate as they all talked about their day. Each one having a story to tell.

Jin was now telling his dramatic version of his trip to the supermarket and how he heroically saved a grandma.

Spoiler. All he did was catch an item that almost fell on her.

Another spoiler. Pretty sure it was just a stuffed toy as she was getting a gift for her grandchild.

But the way he told it was that—and I quote, "He felt his WWH senses tingling".

You stared at him, wondering what the hell 'WWH' meant. There was clear confusion on your face but the boys groaned, obviously knowing what it meant. By their reaction, you didn't even want to ask in case Jin would go on a whole rant about what it meant. He means well though. You couldn't even begin to imagine Jin being any less extra. You love his over the top and extravagant personality.

The world would be a whole lot more boring if he wasn't.

"What about you Y/n? How was your day." Namjoon turned and asked, causing all of the boys to turn their attention to you.

You felt yourself slightly shrink at all the attention and almost choke on your food. One would think that by now you'd be used to so many eyes staring but try getting stared down by not one—not two—but seven good looking guys. It's a little intimidating.

You cleared your throat, "It was good. Nothing special."

Avoiding eye contact, you shrugged carelessly and shoved food in your mouth once you were done talking. The boys were clearly not satisfied by your answer but let it go. They could tell that you were feeling uncomfortable under their gazes and didn't want to pry.

A flutter of white paper had caught your eye as you were stuffing your face—it was the note that the waitress had left. You discreetly took it and read it over and over again, eyes widening once you realized.

Jimin jumped as you smacked your forehead, "Uhm...Y/n? You okay?" He whispered worriedly under his breath.

Had you not done it in your head?

This time you internally facepalmed before giving Jimin a reassuring nod, "I'm fine—just a bug haha..." You waved your empty hand quickly in front of his face before 'wiping' it away.

He made an 'o' shape with his mouth before nodding, innocently falling for the terrible lie. You stifled a giggle as an actual bug landed on his forehead and he swatted it away, "We should warn the owner...they may have a bug problem." He said with genuine concern, his cute face scrunched up as he looked around for more creepy crawlies.

Not long after the bug fiasco, you and the boys had finished all your food. Which is kind of concerning, considering there was a possible bug infestation—to them at least.

You knew it was just that one bug that had perfect timing.

With empty plates piled up and full stomachs, you guys were ready to go to your next destination. Wherever that may be.

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