seven. | yoongi

104 0 5

- studio


You smile down at your phone as you scrolled through the photos. It was pictures of you and Yoongi.

As always, he had a blank face in most but those were the off guard pictures you secretly took of him. One was of him on the couch watching sports with your cat in his lap. It was one of the rare times in which he wasn't cooped up in his studio.

In the next picture you had went and sat down on his lap, both of your faces squished together and smiling.

His gummy smile was so precious, your heart fluttered as you looked at his unique smile.

You sighed at the memories but was interrupted by a call. It was him. "Hey Yoongs, still in the studio?"

"Yeah..." A muffled voice rang through the speaker of your phone, his tone sounding tired. Your eyebrows furrowed at his tone. Was something wrong?

"Is everything okay?" You sat up straight, alert and worried for your hard working boyfriend.

"I'm fine, I promise. Can you just come in the studio? I need my muse." His deep voice creeped from the speakers causing blood to rush to your cheeks, making them red.

"Uhm yeah of course. I'll be there in a minute." You stammered into the phone and internally face palmed. Months and months of dating and he still managed to make you feel like a young school girl with a crush.

He just gave a low hum in response, a small smile formed on his lips unknowingly to you.

Quickly you freshened up and then headed to his studio. Yoongi's studio wasn't that far from your shared apartment so you just walked there but regretted it when the weather decided to rain on your parade—literally.

"Why?..." You whispered to yourself in frustration before throwing the hood of your jacket over your head and running for shelter. The water splashed up your sweatpants, making them wet from the knee down.

You groan as you felt the squishy feeling in your shoes. It's one of the things you dreaded the most—wet socks.


Finally, you arrived at the boy's company's building and hurriedly went in to run away from the storm. After trudging down the halls, clothes fully soaked from the rain, you finally arrived in front of your cat like boyfriend's studio door. A snort escaped from your lips as you looked down at the rug that was placed in front of the door. The cat stared back at you, its middle finger making it clear that any visitor shouldn't enter.

If that wasn't enough to make someone go away there was double doors, one locked by a passcode. Your fingers ran through your hair as your free hand pressed on the buttons.

Only after a couple weeks of dating, Yoongi had given you the code to his door. His excuse was that he was tired of getting up to open the door for you everytime he asked you to stay in the cozy studio with him.

"Yoongs? I'm here." You called out to him to let him know that it was you.

"Y/n?" He turned around from his swivel chair, the small smile falling from his lips at your drenched state. "C'mere baby, why are you all wet??"

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