Chapter 15- Opening Up

Start from the beginning

Oh damn, that's genuinely cool.

"Oh, so is your family like, y'know, well known?" I ask with a shrug.

"Quite the opposite, actually. Even among actual detectives, many people haven't heard of us."

"Hm, how come?" I ask.

"Because we take pride in it."

"Pride?" I ask while furrowing my eyebrows.

"A detective is neither light nor shadow. We represent neither justice nor evil. That is how we can uncover the absolute truth. We stand neutral in all things. And to do that, we have to stand separate from the rest of society. Which is why we've made a conscious effort to conceal our existence."

"Conscious effort?" I mutter quietly.

"It's kind of old-fashioned, and I can't say it's entirely rational... But it's our family creed, and we do what we must to protect it. Because, like I said, it's our source of pride." 

"Oh" I quietly say with a nod.

I guess that kind of explains it.

Heck, when I was at my old school and people were talking about the students of Hope's Peak, not one word was mentioned about Kyoko.

But now I know that she hid herself on purpose to protect the pride of her family.

Dang, this is kind of hard to process not gonna lie.

But, hey, at least I'm learning more about her, and that's what I was wanting to do.

"And yet... I...gave up some of that pride." Kyoko spoke up all of a sudden.

"Hm?" I ask.

"In order to enter Hope's Peak, I had to reveal myself to the school. I did it knowing it was something a true Kirigiri detective would never do." She continued.

"I'm... gonna try to phrase this in the best possible way without giving you the wrong idea but, was... there a reason of some sort you wanted to go to Hope's Peak?" I ask her hestaintly.

She took a long pause at that, I don't know if it's because I royally fucked up with phrasing, or she was just thinking of a way to respond.

Gosh I hope it wasn't the first one because that would be reeeeally bad.

But then she said:

"The headmaster... he's my father" 

Oh... yeah, I kinda figured but at the same time I didn't want to say anything to Kyoko about it because y'know, she never really talks about her past.

"Although, I haven't spoken to him in years" She says.

"Oh, so did you like... I don't know... have plans to reconnect with him?" I ask hesitantly while making random motions with my hands trying to figure out how the hell to phrase this.

"...Reconnect...? I had absolutely no desire to reconnect with my father." 

"Huh, but wouldn't you wanna like, talk to him about stuff?" I ask, still hesitant as ever.

"There's nothing I want to talk to my father about. There is something I want to say to him, though." She says, adding emphasis to 'say'

I look at her with some kind of expression on my face, as if to say: continue.

"I want to talk to him, and tell him face to face" 

"Huh?" I say.

"I want to sever all ties with him" She says, her expression and tone of voice suddenly becoming more serious.

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