Chapter 15- Opening Up

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(A/N) Disclaimer: This chapter includes things like abandonment, manipulation and abuse.

I was currently sitting in class, listening to a lesson as per usual and having to write down notes and stuff.

Normally, I wouldn't mind writing notes and stuff for lessons however, because of the game tournament yesterday my hands were hurting.

Luckily, I found a few tips and things online to help with joint pain, but of course my pain wouldn't just magically disappear overnight.

Not to mention, every time I did some kind of slight movement, my bones would just crack.

Like that one meme said:

Everytime I move I crunch like popcorn.

But anyways, enough about my joint pain and about the game tournament.

I was still getting a shit ton of attention from the students here about my win yesterday.

I didn't know what the hell to say everytime someone passed me in the halls and made a positive remark about me, so most of the time I'd either just say a quick thanks or just give some kind of gesture, and there was literally no in between.

Another thing is, I was on a nostalgia rush ever since I played that one Kirby game with Chiaki yesterday, Kirby's Epic Yarn, so because of that, I ended up waking up randomly at like 3AM and I just listened to the sound track of that game along with the sound track of Kirby's Return To Dreamland.

I remember playing Kirby's Return To Dreamland with Eito once and I remember just absolutely falling in love with Magolor, heck I'm pretty sure I still have that one plushie of him lying around on my desk in my house.

After about a while, class was over, I decided to go back to my dorm and go on my phone while listening to soundtrack from various Kirby games, also a little bit of The Neighbourhood in there too.

A couple of minutes later, I got a text on my phone, from Kyoko.

KyokoKirigiri: Hey. Are you available at the moment?

Y/N_L/N: Hi

Y/N_L/N: And yeah, I'm available

KyokoKirigiri: I was wondering if you'd wanted to spend time together, considering I asked you a while back.

Oh yeah, it was like a few days ago, aka a few chapters ago, after I'd given Kyoko her gift.

Y/N_L/N: Yeah, of course

Y/N:_L/N: Uh, right now I'm guessing?

KyokoKirigiri: Yes, I'll meet you outside the school, goodbye.

Y/N_L/N: Bye

Anddd just as I was about to ask her where it was we were going...

Welp, I'm just gonna go I suppose.

I get up from my bed with a sigh and I walk out the door and went to the outside of the school.

And there I see Kyoko.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" She asks me.

I nod.

She led the way because, y'know, I have no goddamn clue where we're even going, and things were pretty much quiet as we walked together, the only sound being our footsteps and the occasional sound of the cars passing by.

Honestly, I enjoyed the silence, but just out of simple curiousity, I couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, Kyoko? So, uh, where are we going exactly?" I ask while looking at her.

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