Ep 2-Secrets

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(Okay so I'm not gonna write Darius and the others Dino scene because...that takes way to much time so this chapter will be you and Ben trying to connect!! A shy boy and a hyper boy let's get iiiiit!)

Your POV
"I bet one of em's gon get eaten!" I spoke hopping up "M/n! I'm sure their fine don't say things like that!" Ben replied with a frown as he held his knees close to his chest "Oh come on they haven't came back in like twenty minutes!!" I exclaimed with my hands stretched out but all Ben did was shake his head "No! They will be back I know it" he sternly said looking at me as I pouted plopping down beside him "Fine fine I guess you're right...I do really hope their okay though" I said with my legs crossed

Ben smiled at me before seeing that I took out some drawing stuff "Wow! You draw to?" He exclaimed excitingly before blushing and backing up lowering his voice "Sorry" the scrawny male spoke making me shake my head "It's fine! But yeah I draw from time to time" I spoke quickly and giving the other male drawing stuff to use as the two of us talked and giggled while drawing things that came to our minds

As we drew for what felt like forever Darius, Brooklynn, and Kenji came into the room looking tired and exhausted "What happened to YALL!" I exclaimed with my head tilted to the side while Ben looked at them shrugging and going back to drawing him and me listening to music "Um..let's just say dinosaurs?" My twin spoke nervously chuckling before the three flopped on their beds passing out making me look at them confused before shrugging and yawning "How about we head to bed M/n?" Ben spoke as he saw I was tired but I didn't hear him as I just passed out on his lap smiling in my sleep

Time skip
Darius and Kenji and to shovel poop for today making me laugh lightly at the situation but we then headed inside a lab looking around at the shinny place "Wow so bright!" I exclaimed while some split up or stuck in groups while I stuck with Ben before Dave awed the baby eggs "You guys ones about to hatch" he said in a hushed voice making Doctor Wu look back at him "That's not possible" he said as him and everyone else rushed over both Me and Ben were in front of the egg "Is that a tail?" Yasmina spoke as the egg was cracking open goo slowly coming out as well "Ew ew ew!" Ben yelped out in disgust holding onto my arm as I gasped in awe at the baby dinosaur coming out the egg

As we all saw the dinosaur was facing backwards before it wobbled back making me and Ben hold hands catching the baby dino together and placing her back down but we were extra cautious so we held her in our hands started to smile at the baby as it squealed and blinked at Ben and I making the slightly taller male laugh lightly in joy "Awh!" The both of us exclaimed smiling at each other before looking back at the very tiny dinosaur in our hands "Sweet!" Brooklynn said recording the sweet moment "One of its head bumps is way bigger than the other!" She exclaimed with a smile

I carefully picked her up as Ben looked at her from behind me while we gushed over the baby "Awh wow she's so...tiny" Ben softly said in a hushed voice as I nodded "Bumpy.." I spoke softly making Ben look at me going to my side "Let's name her bumpy" I said looking at the dinosaur before back at Ben smiling sweetly which made him nod happily with a small blush "Yeah!" He said as we continued gushing over the baby dino as we didn't listen to anyone else only me and Ben talking about how small and cute the dino was in our hands as we played with her

I looked up at Ben seeing Bumpy lick his cheek as he closed his eyes giggling at the tickling feeling making me blush a bit at the sight before I tapped my cheeks a bit and shook my head just continuing to play with Bumpy cooing lightly at her while she walked slightly before Ben picked her up and I rested my chin on his shoulder while we stared and giggled "Looks like you two both live here now" Roxie joked making me laugh lightly before we looked over at Doctor Wu pushing Brook to us angered "Time for you all to leave" he spoke sternly "Clearly this group has no respect for my lab whatsoever" he muttered glaring at Brooklynn

I then looked at Ben as he looked back at me us both frowning "But what about Bumpy?" He softly asked making me nod resting my hands on his shoulders "Yeah we can't just leave her here she's just a baby!" I said as we both were heartbroken knowing we probably couldn't keep her before Dave came behind us "Aw Bumpy! You two gave it a name that's precious" the older male exclaimed in awe but Doctor Wu snatched Bumpy out of Ben's hands making me gasp and Ben frowned as we looked at the uncomfortable way Wu was holding the baby in his palms which made me glare at him a little as he said he would just toss her away with a group

Me and Ben frowned "Doc she's just a baby you can't do that!" "I can do what I want boy" he glared down at me making me hold onto Ben as he did the same to me before Dave told us we weren't welcome so we all just left me stealing one last look at Bumpy calling out for me and Ben but we resisted the urge to just take her and dash "I hate that Doctor" I mumbled under my breath with my arms crossed but then Ben patted my shoulder "It's okay M/n I'm sure we'll see her again soon" he spoke in a soft comforting tone making me nod and smile at the other male as we then hopped in the jeep going back to camp

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