We has caze

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(Faye's POV)

"So... what's the case? Oh, and you should brush up on your Morse code. You honked, "We has caze." I said, informing Beale. His face flushed red in embarrasment as he realized what he honked. 

"Anyways... where is the Alpha team?" Kason asked. 

"Uhm, this case doesn't involve them. It's just you four. And Thomas, Newt, and Minho. You guys could help too." Nell said. They nodded, ready to be briefed. 

"Alright, so this morning there was a car bombing in Venice Beach. Your job is to find out who bombed it because that car that was bombed belonged to a CIA officer, Mitch Cullen." Beale said, pulling it up on the big screen. Hetty appeared on the big screen all of a sudden. Everyone screamed except for me. She used to do this all the time with me and Arkady. 

"Faye, dear. You will be partners with Newt and Aiden, you will work with Thomas. Minho, if you don't mind, you'll be undercover in a stakeout, covering Newt and Faye and Aiden and Thomas. Good luck everyone." Hetty said, and she ended the call. Newt and I left Ops and everything was silent. 

"So... how have you been?" Newt asked. 

"Eh, been better. What about you? How is Thomas?" I asked. 

"He's been bloody scared. He thinks of you as a sister, and is constantly like, "Should I call her?" Or, "Newt! Which agency did she work for?" Or my favorite one yet, "MINHO!! WHERE THE SHUCK IS SHE?" All I can say is that he's worried sick." Newt said. I nodded and hopped in my car. Hey, don't judge! I actually know how to drive because of Hetty, Arkady, and Anna. 

We drove to Venice Beach and when we were there, a bunch of officers were swarming the place. I pulled out my badge and flashed it to the nearest officer and they nodded letting both Newt and I in. 

"Bloody hell. What happened here?" Newt asked, looking around and seeing that everywhere there layed ashes. 

"Bombing, remember? Get that shuck brain out of the dumb world." Thomas said, flicking Newt in the forehead. 

"Geez Tommy, I was just asking." Newt said. We inspected the scene and Aiden started talking out loud. 

"This was a remote. See how this wire connects to that. Someone detonated it from about a 50 mile radius so that they didn't get blasted from the explosion. They had to be watching from some kind of... camera." he said, as he pulled out a camera from the wreckage. I took it from him and inspected it. 

"Well, it had to have connected to a building around here. Somewhere stratigically put." I said, shifting my feet and slowly turning around in a full circle. I saw a point where the camera would have exactly saw everything and pointed at it. "There." I breathed out. The boys followed me and we walked towards the shop. It was a Starbucks and a bunch of cameras surrounding the place. 

"I'll get Beale to hack the cameras. YO BEALE!" I yelled into my comm. It turned on, and I heard Beale's voice.

"Yeah, what's up? Wait. No, lemme guess. An Enderman-" "BEALE! Just, please, hack into the cameras around us and check the footage. Please and thank you." I said, interrupting him. 

"So... where should we go to now?" Thomas asked. 

"Interview time." Aiden said, linking arms with Thomas, as they headed to the boat shed. 

"And our job is to go back to HQ. C'mon, whoever gets to the car first can drive." I said, racing him. He yelled a "hey!" but I ignored it. I was relativly shorter, and made it last. Newt picked me up and spun me around. I pouted and folded my arms. He held out his hand and I grudgingly handed the car keys to him. He hopped in and I sat in the passangers seat. We reached HQ in an impressive 5 minutes. Newt pulled over by a Starbucks first. 

"Why are we stopping?" I asked. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 

"I just wanted to say... I like you Faye. You're cool, funny, kind, atheltic and smart." he said.

"But...." I asked, motioning for him to continue on.

"But... I'm scared of asking you to be my girlfriend because I'm scared of rejection." he said. 

"Well, if this is your way of asking me to be your girlfriend, then, yes. I would gladly be your girlfriend. Just come to my work more often so I can see you." I said, winking at him. He leaned in close to me, and I leaned in too. He looked down at my lips and at my eyes and I nodded. He took it as a sign to kiss me, and he did. I kissed back, and we had a full make-out session in my car. Who ever knew that my first kiss would be here?

~At HQ~

We walked together, hand in hand smiling. 

"What's got this shank smiling?" Minho asked, holding both Kate and Kason in his hands. 

"Well... Newt just got himself a girlfriend." I teased, flicking Newt's forehead. 

"OOOH! NEWTY GOT A GIRLFRIEND!! Too bad Minho is the only single person in this trio." Thomas said. 

"Wait... your not single?" I asked. 

"Nope, been happily together with Layla for 2 years!" he said. 

"Wow... I learn something new every day." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh, so how were the interviews?" I asked. 

"Good done. We figured out who it was, their done, and sent of to jail. The end." Aiden said. 

"Nice... anyone up for a vacation?" Minho asked.

"What's wrong Minho? Taking care of two kids like us is just too exhausting? Weak." Kate said, scoffing. 

"What's got her sour?" Newt asked. 

"I, uhm, didn't let her have her phone." Minho said, scratching the back of his next nervously. 

"I'm telling Grisha. He is the worst babysitter that has ever lived. Maybe I can plot my revenge with a fork. Bye bye!" Kate said, waving. I waved back and turned towards Minho.

"So... where too?" I asked. 

"Let's write down where we want to go, draw it out of a bag, and then someone can pull it out, and we'll go there?" Aiden suggested. 

"Sure. Everyone! Start writing." Thomas yelled. We started to write where we wanted to go, and I wrote down, "Singapore" because I love the places there, and all of the monuments.

"Anddd, TIME! Put your paper in the hat. In it goes." Newt said, shaking the hat. I placed it in, and he smiled at me. I smiled back and walked away, sitting on my desk. 

"The lucky place is.... IRELAND! Pack your bags boys... and girl. Meet back here tomorrow at 6AM to catch our flight! Let's do this!" Minho said, and we all scampered away to our respected spots. I was going to try and figure out a way to tell Arkady this, without him getting overprotective. I drove home and  put the keys in the key hole. I ran up to my room and threw everything I could think of in there. I did this all in the dark, considering that it was 2 AM. The lights turned on and I saw Anna leaning on my doorpost with her arms folded.

"And where do you think your going little missy?" she asked, in her heavy Russian accent.

"We have a mission." I smoothly lied. She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Nice try. You're either sneaking away or going on vacation. Just tell me when you need to go. I'll cover for you." she said. 

"Wait... what?" I asked, confused. 

"Yes! Now go hurry up! You've got a flight to catch! Oh, and congrats to that little boyfriend of yours." she said, turning her heel, winking at me, and walking off to change clothes into something more fashionable. 

Time to visit Ireland.

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