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(Kate's POV)

Grisha and I were walking in the park. It was a Saturday today and every Saturday, we would walk in different parks all over Los Angles. We saw a boy running and he almost looked like me, minus the dark hair. There was another person running and he seemed Asian. I noted this and pulled out my pink Hello Kitty phone. I called Faye, because she said that if I see anything suspicious, then I should call her. So I did. 

"Hello?" she asked.

"Faye, it's me, Kate." I said. 

"Oh, hey Kate! What happened? Are you in trouble? Should I rescue you?"

"No, no, no. I just saw something suspicious and you told me to tell you if I saw something. Here I'll send you a video." 

I turned my camera on, and started to record both kids running. I stopped it and sent it to her. She was quiet for a few seconds and immediatley started talking.

"Listen Kate, go follow those kids. They need help. I've seen them before and they're friends. Go tell Callen." she said.

"Ok, bye Faye!" I said, hanging up.

"Bye Kate, see ya soon." And she hung up. 

"Grisha, Faye told me to follow those two kids. Let's go." I said, dragging Grisha from our peaceful walk. 

"Okay, okay, just don't run off." he said, chuckling. 

The kids made many turns till they reached an alleyway. 

"STOP! NCIS!" Grisha yelled. They stopped and turned around. I took this as my chance to talk to them.

"Hi, my name's Kate, um I think you know my friend Faye?" I asked, showing them a picture of Faye. 

"Oh, yeah! I remember her. Little Newt found an interest in her and wouldn't stop talking for a week." the Asian kid said. The dark haired kid furrowed his eyebrows as if concentrating. He gasped after a few seconds.

"Kate? Grisha?" he asked, looking at both of us. 

"Wait... Thomas? You're alive?" Grisha asked, looking at him.

"Yeah, let's just say I was whisked away into a life of espionage." Thomas said. 

"Oh, I forgot, this is Minho." Thomas said, pointing at the Asian kid, now known as Minho. He managed a small wave, obviously awkward to the whole family reunion thing. 

"Let's go to Grisha's work!" I said. They nodded and followed us to Grisha's car. I can't wait to show Faye what we found.

(Faye's POV)

I was sitting at my desk, bored out of my mind. Kason's desk was right next to mine, while Aiden's was diagonal from mine. Kate's was in front of mine. Aiden and I were the only ones in our little section, and while Aiden was finishing up a report for what happened with W.C.K.D and Jansen, all that exciting shit, I was bored, playing with paper and making 25 origami cranes. Aiden looked up from his work and noticed all of the crane's practically burying me.

"Hey, you ok? You haven't been normal ever since that Jansen guy-" "I'm fine." I said, interrupting Aiden.

"Really? Then please explain why you are practically buried with origami cranes." Aiden retorted back.

"It's nothing. Is there any coffee?" I asked.

"No, we're still kids, we don't drink coffee." Aiden said.

"Well I do, and I'm bored, and restless, so bye." I said, heading over to the Alpha team's drink place. There was a coffee machine there and I took a strong dark black coffee. 

"And what do you think your doing love?" A British voice said behind me. I smiled, knowing it was Newt.

"Well, I'm trying to wake up Newt." I said, taking a sip of my black coffee. He took my cup and took a sip out of it, watching me. 

"Hey! I need that!" I said, trying to grab for it. He laughed and put it over his head. I walked over to the burner room and took a ladder. Newt was following me, and noticed the burner.

"Are you going to put my body in there after killing me?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, cuz I'm going to stab you in the heart, 20 times over and stuff you in that tiny ass box." I whispered in his ear. He shuddered from my hot breath. I smirked and took my coffee back, leaving the room. He realized that I was gone and raced after me. 

"Why are you here anyway? Not that I'm happy or anything." I said, muttering the last part. He put a hand to his ear.

"Could you say that again? I didn't quite get it love." he said. I noticed that he also put his phone on record. 

"You're a fucking asshole bitch. Oh, is that what you were expecting. Think again darling, I noticed that phone." I said, looking over at his hand that had a thumb over the red button.

"Bloody hell, how did you see my phone? I was trying so hard to be discrete." he said. 

I was about to say something when Kate burst in with Thomas and Minho following behind her. 

"Hey Kate, did you get them?" I asked. She nodded really fast and pointed to them. Callen walked in and sat at his desk.

"C'mon! I want to show you my desk." Kate said, dragging Thomas and Minho. Newt laughed at the sight of them being dragged by a 5 year old. 

"She's an energetic one, isn't she?" Newt asked.

"Yeah, but don't worry Newtie, you'll get some love too." I said, dragging him along to my desk. He laughed at my antics and sat down in Kason's chair. Aiden walked in, apparentally coming from the bathroom.

"Woah! Hey guys! Back so soon?" he asked, sitting down at his desk.

"Well, this girl, right here dragged us over." Minho said.

"Yeah, no surprise there." Aiden said, laughing a little.

"Hey, does anyone know where Kason is? I haven't seen the little dude all day. I also haven't seen Kensi either." I said.

"Oh, Kensi's taking care of Kason because he's sick." Aiden said, looking at his computer.

"Huh, I guess that makes sense. Well, I'll just take his seat, hope he doesn't mind...." Newt said, sitting down. 

"Eh, I mean, it doesn't really matter, he didn't really use his desk anyways." I said. 

"So, explain why you have a bunch of crane's on your desk." Thomas said.

"Stressed." I said, trying to minimize what I would say, hoping it wouldn't lead to the truth. 

"Oh, and I forgot to mention, Thomas is our half-brother." Callen casually said, popping his head in.

"HE IS WHAT?!" I yelled.

But before I could say anything else, I heard a honk in Morse Code and knew it was Beale. It said, "Guys, we have a case." But it wasn't the best so it sounded more like, "We has caze." 

I got up from my seat and headed towards the stairs. The rest followed shortly behind and we were about to get briefed on a new case.

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