It's all part of the job...

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(Faye's POV)

I woke up sitting on a couch. I groggily rubbed my eyes and saw the Alpha team standing infront of me. I groaned.

"Wassup guys?" I said, trying to lift my head up. It hurt like hell. Aiden stirred awake. 

"Ugh, where am I? Wait, Faye? Dad? Kensi? Deeks? Are we in the-?" "yes we are." I said, interrupting him.

"Oh, so um, is there anything that we need to do?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah, Hetty's called your phone 20 times and when she asked Beale to track it, it lead it right here. She probably thought that you were kidnapped and your phone was placed here, so they could cover your tracks. And, um can I talk to you, in person?" Kensi asked.

"Sure, where too?" I asked.

"How about Starbucks? We have a long time before we have to go to work." Kensi asked.

"Sure, let's go! Does Deeks have to go?" I asked, whining a little.

"No, this is strictly girl talk." Kensi said. I nodded and left with her. 

Before we completely walked out side we heard Deeks say, "AW C'MON! Baby, Kensi, Kensalina, Kensiiiiiii, don't leave meeee."

We both giggled and drove to the nearest Starbucks. She gave me a donut from Krispy Kreme and I got a chocolate frappochino. We sat in her car and she started off.

"Listen, Faye, I know it's hard and all being Hetty's daughter and the only girl in the team. Well, not only, there's Kate, but she's still little, and is slowly being trained. I just wanted to say, that if you want to talk or anything, I'm here." Kensi said.

"And so am I." Another voice said. I recognized it to be Anna's.

"Woah! What the heck are you doing in my car?" Kensi asked, turning around to face Anna. 

Anna sipped on her coffee and said, "Oh, Arkady told me to go find Faye. Like I said, I'm here too." 

"Aww, thanks you guys! But I don't want to be late for work or anything, so can we...." I said, trailing off. 

"Oh yeah... SHIT! LET'S GO!" Kensi said, starting the car. She drove high speed to HQ and we bursted in. Hetty was standing there with a stopwatch in hand. 

"And you are 21 seconds from being late. Congratulations, you are not getting a decrease from your paycheck. Ms. Kolcheck how nice of you to join us. Come. Mr. Beale has a case for you." Hetty said.

We walked up to Ops and Eric started to brief us.

"So, this morning at around 5:30 a car was exploded in an alleyway. We have reason to believe that this is the work of a terrorist group. So, there will be a team on the ground and in Indonesia. (A/N No offense to Indonesians, I myself am one but I only chose this, because I don't trust Google Translate and all that shit, so ONTO THE BOOK!)" Eric said.

The doors opened and Hetty came out of it. "The team who will be here is Kensi, Deeks, and Aiden. The team going to Indonesia will be Sam, Callen, and Faye. Good luck. Wheels up in 10. Faye, dear, Same and Callen will show you to the go bags." Hetty said. I nodded and followed Sam and Callen downstairs to the weaponry. They grabbed two bags one for each of them and tossed me one. I caught it with ease and opened it. It had guns, clothes, and money. Perfect. I could do this.

"Ok guys, let's go!" Sam said, as we walked outside. There was a black SUV there and we all got in. They drove us to the airport and there was a small private jet. 

"Danggg, is this real?" I asked, with my face to the window. I know it's a little childish, but I'm still a child at heart. 

"It is." Callen said, laughing at my childishness. Sam stayed quiet, probably thinking. I let him be on his own little world. When we got on the plane, Sam was still in his little trance. I got out origami paper and started folding it on the paper. I passed it towards him to his view and he glanced at it, smiling. 

"Did you make this?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Do you have any spare origami paper?" he asked.

"Tons. We could practically make a zoo out of all this origami." I said, pulling out the origami paper I had in my pockets. He took the sky blue one and started folding. Eventually he made a dragon. 

"Oooh, pretty." I said. "Teach me?" I asked.

"Sure. So first you-" "Are you leaving me out of this nerd origami club? I happen to know some origami as well." Callen said, interrupting Sam. I groaned and Sam slid over making space for Callen.

"So, I can fold a paper in half. Watch as I do so." Callen said, with fake a fake mysterious voice. He folded it in half but it wasn't perfect. 

"No, no, no. You're triggering my OCD" I said, taking the paper from him. I folded it the right way and he looked a little embarassed. 

"Yeah, yeah, I knew that." Callen said, trying to regain his confidence. 

~At Indonesia's airport~

Everyone here spoke Indonesian and Sam and Callen looked a little lost. I understood it, because Hetty made me learn it. 

A woman came up to us and said, "Apakabar, siapa camu?" 

"Saya Faye, ini Callen, itu Sam. Kita mau jalan di sini." I said. 

"Oh, orang-orang itu, bisa bahasa Indonesia?" she asked.

"No." I simply said. She nodded in understandment and switched to Indonesia.

"Hi, so welcome to Indonesia. You looked a little lost, so I just wanted to make sure you know your way around. Your friend over here is very fluent in Indonesia." she said.

"Yeah, we never took the opportunity to learn it, before we left." Sam said.

"Oh, I like you. Come, let me show you to the baggage place." she said. We followed her, but when we were walking there, I noticed that the words were saying "Exit" or "Transport" in Indonesian. Strange. Maybe their baggage claim was here. I then realized that we went on a private jet and our baggage wouldn't be here.

"Wait... we didn't even bring anything. We went on a private jet." I said. Sam and Callen's eyes widened at it and before we could even pull out our guns, something was injected in our necks. We instantly were knocked out cold and the last thing I saw was Callen and Sam's bodies being dragged away into a silver Toyota. 

I was too tired and finally fell asleep.

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