Flirting 101

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(Faye's POV)

Ugh, this was going to be torture. I had to flirt with a criminal's son. Gross. Apparentally the plan was that me and Aiden are going in, dating, but then I'm gonna cheat on him with Brett. Today, I was assigned a person to show around the school. His name was Thomas. He had dark hair and had white skin. He had light brown eyes and was fairly tall. 

"Hi, I'm Jocelyn and I'm here to welcome you to our school. Hope you enjoy your school year here!" I said with fake enthusiasm. 

"Hi, I'm uh, Thomas, and yeah..." he said. I motioned him to follow me and we walked around the school in silence. 

"So..." I asked, starting a conversation. "Do you have any hobbies?" 

"Yeah, I like basketball, parkour, and skateboarding. You?" he asked.

"Same, but replace basketball with art. Hey, wanna hang out after school?" I asked. The date didn't start until 6 and school ended at 3. I had about 3 hours, so it wasn't that bad. 

"Sure. I can introduce you to some of my friends if you want. I think that my friend Minho would like you. You seem a lot like him. Plus, you seem Asian." Thomas said, opening up.

"Yeah, sure. You can bring them along with the meet. After school, meet me at the skate park, the one near here. Here's your schedule and a map of the school. I have to go to my class. Bye! It was nice talking Tommy!" I said. 

~After school~

I had changed into some casual clothing. It was a black sweater and some black leggings with my black high tops. I put my hair up in a messy bun and brought my skateboard with me. I was sitting on a bench and waited for Thomas and his friends to come. I saw them walking in with skateboards and all. There was a tall blonde and a Asian kid that looks like he spent 5 hours working on his hair. 

I walked over to Thomas and said, "Hey Tommy, this your friends?" 

"Yeah, this is Newt and Minho. Guys, this is Jocelyn. She the girl I was telling you about." Thomas said.

"Hey, you call Thomas, Tommy too?" Newt asked. 

"Yeah, nice to meet you." I said.

"So, are we gonna get skating?" Thomas asked. 

"Yeah, c'mon whoever can do the most flips wins free pizza!" I said, running off and doing a bunch of flips. I did a 360 hardflip and landed. I made it on the other side and motioned for them to start skateboarding. Thomas started off and did a 360 toe flip and slipped, but he still landed. 

"How do I bloody use this thing?" Newt asked. 

"You put on foot on it, and- you know what, let's do something else, can anyone parkour?" I asked, seeing as Newt seemed British and didn't know how to use a skateboard.

"Yeah, I can do parkour!" Minho and Thomas said at the same time. 

"Perfect, ooh do you-" I said, but I was cut off by a ring of my phone. 

I answered it and said, "Hello?"

"Jocelyn? I was wondering if you were going to show up for our date, because it's totally fine if you don't considering you don't want to, you know, getting rid of your boyfriend and all..." Brett rambled. 

I faked a laugh and said, "Darling, Brett, your rambling. I'm sorry, but I can't go on the date. My boyfriend is taking me somewhere and I can't escape. Sorry, see you at school?" 

"Yeah, see you at school." Brett said, and I hung up. Another call came through. I answered it and it was Hetty. 

"Faye, we need you back at ops, a case has just popped up." Hetty said.

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