Chapter 8

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Ryan's POV: 

Liv fell asleep in the car so we were just driving around town so she could sleep. 

She was curled up with me in the back seat. 

All of a sudden she jerked awake with a gasp. 

"Woah are you ok Bunny?" 

Tears just started to fall down her face. 

She started to shake. 

"Bunny what's wrong?" I asked. 

She went and hugged me. 

I froze for a second. 

She caught me off guard. 

I wrapped my arms around her and we just sat there. 

"Let's go to the diner up the road." 

We got to the diner and sat down. 

Barrett's kid works here apparently. 

He spotted us and immediately went to the back. 

He was shoved back out a moment later.

He meekly walked to our table. 

"Can I get some drinks started for you guys?" 

"Liv what would you like to drink?" 

She didn't answer. 

"Root beer for her and I please. How's your Mom?" I asked. 

Our Mom's used to be close. 

Him and Liv used to play with each other actually. 

"She's good I think. She wants to have you guys over for dinner sometime." 

"That'd be great. Liv do you remember Ben? You guys used to play with each other?" 

She nodded, but wouldn't look at him. 

"It's nice to see you again." He told her. 

She was slightly shaking. 

"Are you ok?" I whispered to her. 

She didn't answer. 

"I'll take a coffee." Isaac said. 


"Me too, but with lots of cream and sugar." Theo said. 

"Ok I'll be back with that." 

"Thanks Ben." 

Liv didn't talk for the rest of the meal and she hardly ate. 

I'm worried about her. 

She just changed after seeing Ben. 

And whatever happened in the car. 

On the way home I got a call. 

They want her to start school on Monday. 

I started yelling at the lady, but that really freaked out Liv. 

We got to the house and I got her a snack since she hardly ate. 

She wouldn't touch it. 

"Please eat it Liv. You've hardly eaten anything since you got back." 

She just looked down. 

"They also said you need to go back to school, and you need to start on Monday." 

She didn't seem to understand. 

"We'll have a meeting with the school to set up some things to get you caught up. Ok? That'll be tomorrow." 

"They'll make fun of me for being so dumb..." She said. 

"What do you mean?" 

"The other kids. That's what they told me when we did school upstairs. If I ever went to a real school they'd call me dumb. Will the teachers hit me there too?" 

"What?! No!" 

She flinched. 

"Who said this Liv?" 

"They did." 

"Who is they?" 


"Dude I think you need to lay off. Look at her." 

"Don't tell me how to do this! I'm just trying to get more information on what the hell happened to my sister for 10 years!" 

"Look at her." He said calmly. 

I looked over at her to see her trembling. 

I walked around the kitchen island to her side and hugged her. 

As soon as I made contact she flinched. 

"I'm sorry." I said letting go. 

"Liv can you look at me?" 

She moved her head so I could see her face, but I she wouldn't look at me.

I fucked up. 

This was such a dumb thing to get mad over. 

I'm pretty sure they did worse than call her dumb. 

I'm not looking forward to that meeting tomorrow. 

A/N-Ok does anyone have an opinion on how the meeting should go? I'm thinking she's super smart because of some fucked up shit they did to her, but it could also be the opposite where she doesn't really do well academically. I'm just mostly trying to figure out how her school life if going to go. 

Anyways let me know!

-Emmett :) 

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