Chapter four (4) a rainy day

Start from the beginning

Adyan looked at her and then at the road then at her and back at the road three times kaltoom noticed his gaze upon her and shouted at him


you are in my car and you are asking me what? What do you want me to do with you it's not like I cause the rain or made your friend to ditch yo...he retorted with angrily
oh seriously this guy is going to drive me nuts kaltoom thought then took a light breath and replied
"I know it's hard but can you be a gentleman and take me home I'm out of coverage and my car isn't here"
she said staring at his handsome face..

for a moment he got lost looking at her that's the first time she tried been nice to him ever since they met it's alweys been fights and arguments... helloooo""" kaltoom waved her hand he quickly snapped out of it and replied her

" oh since you are been so polite it would be embarrassing to say no.. he said with a chuckle which earned him a glare from kaltoom this guy needs therapy she thought and shook her head

He asked her the destination which happened to be not far from his he started the car and connected his phone to the Bluetooth and lonely by Justin Bieber played softly kaltoom wasn't a huge fan of Bieber but with the weather at hand the mood in that car she couldn't help falling asleep not after making a mental note to strip Amani into shreds when they meet

Adyan stared closely at kaltoom she looks so peaceful and beautiful in her slumber although she doesn't look comfortable,
If only life was a tv drama, then she should have been sleeping beauty cause she looks better that way
he got so carried away looking at her that he didn't realize ten minutes have gone by...
he felt something he couldn't describe the beeping of her phone was what brought him back to reality it was on her hand and it was about to slip off so he gently removed it from her hand and

"fav bitch👊❤️"

displayed boldly on the screen he was contemplating on whether or not to pick the call until it went off and immediately the second call came in without further hesitation he picked it up and place it on his ear and kept mum "keee where are you I've been searching for you.... he didn't let her finish when he replied "she's left the school already ... a gasp escaped her mouth and before she could say anymore the line went off she didn't dare call again knowing there maybe trouble since she's with mr. ego
He kept the phone on her bag and sat back it was almost three thirty and she was still sleeping he didn't want to wake her up for some reason unknown to him he exhale an exhausted breath and close his eye just then she woke up and looked at the time on her phone then at their street even thou she was steps awey from her house then at the car she was in and it then dawned on her
"oh my god what the hell... he could have at least woke me u...

"now that you are awake what's the difference? He caught her off guard (he really has a problem) she thought "whatever... thanks for the ride.... she opened the door and the cold air brushed her face

"ohhhhhhh.... like I haven't had enough... she rant in a bratty way
"you complain too much.. Adyan said
"oh thank you! She replied sarcastically
"oh it's not supposed to be a compliment... he said as she open the door and stepped out she was just a few steps away when he called her
"hey you forgot something.... she turn and gave him a once over look and replied
"what..?and my names not hey..
He bought out her phone and shoved it to her "oh... she said with slight embarrassment
"so then what's the name? Adyan asked refusing to hand her the phone
"ohh please it's kaltoom now please give me my phone it's really cold out here,..

"wow kaltoom alright I'm Adyan hope we meet again... he said as he handed her the phone she said a whatever under her breath and walked awey he didn't drive awey until she was out of sight and had entered their mansion then he drove awey with a smile


"Excuse me what do you mean you couldn't drive in the rain would your car soak?
Kaltoom said anger laced in her voice as poor Amani apologized
"whatever just don't this to me ever again I had to tolerate that egocentric idiot all because of you" she ranted more
"oh please I know you enjoyed the ride girl you slept through it ... Amani's tiny voice said through the phone
"so is it official are you and mr. ego now in love? Amani squealed
"aaaaaaarrrrghhhh Amy I'll kill you just because I got a pathetic ride from him doesn't mean we fell in love through it...
"But all the books I've read people in your situation always fall in love and live happily ever after"
She said ferning hurt
"Ohhh please Amani this is not one of your wattpad romance novels it's reality girl, snap out of it"
Kaltoom said clearly irritated


you know what bye go deal with your life... kaltoom shouted through the phone Amani was driving her to crazy town and she couldn't take it
worst of all she heard her giggle as she hang the call .
Kaltoom squeezed the love pillow on her bed and threw it awey out of frustration just then her mom came in with a tray of food for her "who were you shouting at I could hear your voice from the fifth stair"
"it was Amy she's so unbelievable and driving me nuts.... kaltoom replied
"ohh so what was it about? Her mom asked "mommmmmm.... you are been so nosy" she said throwing a tantrum earning her a light slap on her arm by her mom
"okey Ammi so there is this guy that has been pestering my life in school since day one wlh yacika girman kai Ammi ga Iyayi(he is so full of himself and arrogant)
her mom only smiled and placed the food near her bed as she made to leave
" is abee at home? Kaltoom asked
" you want to go and disturb my husband well his around and in his room" her mom answered
" um um su Ammi  masu husband tell him am coming"
mom only shaked her head and left kaltoom was a naughty girl and no one could handle her she thought as she walked to her room.
Kaltoom checked the tray the food was very hot and the delicious steam made her stomachs rumble reminding her just how hungry she was
"I know, I know..."
she said as she chewed on the chicken drum Ammi needs to consider opening a five star restaurant the woman was too good with food she thought as she attack the fleshy meat once more, it tasted heavenly not to mention the sweet aroma
She took a sip from the homemade watermelon juice and just then Aishatu the help came in with taslim
Kaltoom replied her curtly the girl likes to talk to her and would often come to her room help her clean up as they gist
"You know sometimes a person may pick on you all the time because they love you and can't express it"
Aishatu said out of the blue making Kaltoom to drop her fork and give her a narrowed eye look

"Where you eavesdropping on Ammi and my conversation"
Aishatu looked at her with wide eyes and threw her hands up in defense

"No wallahi, I was coming in when I heard it so I went back thinking you may need some privacy"

Kaltoom knew Aishatu wasn't that type of girl so she just gave her a playful glare and continued eating her food mostly concentrating on the chicken

Well besides what the girl said doesn't make much sense what does she know she's just sixteen that's like two years younger than her

And any ways she and Adyan are never going to be able to stay in the same atmosphere in peace they despise each other she thought

Whatever it is she doesn't want anything to do with him he may be dangerously handsome and what ever but his not her type.

Hello there sweethearts hope you enjoy the chapter❤️
So do you have a girlfriend or best friend that acts the way Amani here does 😂
I'm I the only one who noticed the sparks growing
Well see y'all in the next chapter
Till then stay blessed ✌️😘

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