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Author's note:
Gory imagery up ahead.
I also made this chapter extraaaa long compared to the other ones.
Also you might've noticed,
this chapter is in two parts (YAYY).
Even though the chapter is split,
it still is represented by one song in the playlist.
Other than that, have fun reading :)))

The rest of the days went by like a breeze. On Saturday, I didn't do much actually. Laura had to postpone the plan of going to the paranormal shop. A grandparent of hers suddenly fell sick, and she has to help take over her family business for a while. I could've gone myself--it just felt rude going without Laura. She was the one who invited me, after all. So, I found myself staring at the gem the whole day, in awe. It's bright blue was nothing I've seen before. The lightning zapping inside gave me a calm but eerie feeling. No piece of information of it's existence is online. I'll try finding it in books tommorow. I decided to keep the crystal a secret.

On Sunday, I accompanied my dad down the back of the ranch; the theme park. It was early morning and I only was able to look at around half of all the rides. Most of the rides and games were ripped open, to reveal the inner machinery inside. There were a few mechanics working on them. There was one ride covered entirely by a white fabric. I didn't question what it was. In the afternoon, I went to a local bookstore. There was a never-ending maze of shelves, with the only place to find actual peace was in the middle of the building. There were rows of desks and beanbags lined up, waiting for an intrigued reader to sit down and swift through the pages of a thrilling fantasy novel. Even if I was basically describing myself, I didn't come here with the intention to laze around and read. After hours of looking through many history books, I could confirm there was totally nothing on the crystal. What I was holding in my hands was something of unknown origins. No research has been made. It's like I had history in my hands, but am faced with the hard decision of keeping it only to myself or showing everyone.

I was on the lookout for Michael, or at least on the lookout because I had questions about him and whatever this stone was. But I haven't been able to see him or track him down, probably because I was preoccupied with school and homework.

Monday arrived with an unexpected surprise. I had to submit my English essay on superstitions. Luck was on my side that day, because I received an A. Willow got an B, close to an A, and Laura simply skipped the assignment. The luck that day was balanced out with something bad happening on Tuesday. A teacher of ours had an accident and had to be replaced with a substitute. Nothing interesting really happened. And right when I was trying my hardest to fall asleep that day, I saw the ghost with the camera-like eyes again, staring at me through the window. Michael did say something about using her as a 'surveillance camera'. I was still skeptical, but I got out of my bed and jokingly addressed Michael behind her eyes. I said something along the lines of, "You have to be careful Mike. Many people said to have seen you."
I only was able to sleep when I turned the other way, away from the ghost's glare.

I also had my first martial arts extra classes on those two days. I never wanted to do martial arts. My father says its for the best, in case I somehow get bullied again. I just hated it. It was his usual overprotective self trying to make me feel at peace. I can't say no to that. My classes back in Glissberry was great, but we just had to move away. He was able to find a cheap but professional class in our area. Despite only having a month worth of classes before this, it was still hard to adjust since everyone in class had a few years of experience under their belt -- but for the first two days, it was going well. We went over the basic first moves. Kicks, punches, rolling. I knew some of them because of 'Karate Kid'. Yes, I'm a fan.

Today was Wednesday. For some reason, I found myself sweating about something I didn't know I had anxiety for. Today was just another school day. What could go wrong? I had this unsettling feeling since the very first minute of waking up today. I walked through the school gates in silence, still my mind on the stone. I knew for a fact even if I was alarmed at what the stone could hold, I wasn't feeling scared about that today. My hand slithered all the way down, underneath my sweater and rested on the left pocket of my pants. I felt the small bulge of the crystal. A small feeling of regret washed over me. Why did I bring it? What if I lose it? As dumb as it sounds, I suspected my emotions today are foreshadowing a coming of another demon. I pushed the door open and stepped inside the school. I walked down the halls alone until I felt a friendly presence next to me.

𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡 || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now