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Author's Note:
Disturbing images and imagery ahead.

The door opened, and it exposed me to one of the worst crimes I've seen. There was blood splattered all over, with something or someone which ran through, as there were large footprints smeared on the floor. The being was in a hurry to escape, but from what? Something pulled the curtains down with rips and tears through the cloth. All the plates and cups were in pieces, a few shards laying on the floor and ready to hurt the next victim. The more I ventured, the more I found. Broken framed pictures, candles that were blown out, an untouched butcher's knife on the floor. Eventually, I came face to face with a closed door, hand markings smeared all over with blood. My shaky bare hands held the doorknob. With a single turn, the mysterious stench of a meat-like substance caught our attention. Oh no. The door opened, and it exposed me to everything. There in the dark, sitting low in the broom closet, laid the corpse of a young woman by the name of Sama--

"Samantha, no!" My dad's enraged voice broke through the TV, causing me to lose focus on the series. He stood up, fingers in his hair, and walked in circles. "How could they do that to Samantha! She was the most useful character in the entire show! I swear on my life it's Levi who killed her." I turned towards him. Has dad not been paying attention? I have my eyes set on Kira. He's the killer here, not Levi. "Yams, don't give me that look. I know exactly what I'm talking about!" Not that nickname again. Sounds cute. I just can't handle associating myself with a vegetable. I was about to state my opinion and evidence on why Kira was the killer. However, after seeing my dad get too worked up for a small TV show, I backed down.

The episode continued in the background. All I focused on at the moment was my red string bracelet. Why is the evil eye in the centre turning black? I've never seen it like this. I noticed it right away throughout the week, but never questioned it, until now. After an uneasy tap to see what the black substance was, the eye split right open. It's now impossible to wear. Hm... My arm raised the bracelet high up. What do I do now? I guess I can get it fixed tomorrow. Gazing back at my dad, I found him in a middle of an urgent call. I saw myself shiver. A zapping phenomenon invaded my body. I dismissed the emotion and drew my eyes back on the TV. A masked figure held a knife stained with blood hovering over the dead body of Samantha's sister. The man took off the mask. It was Kira. I told you, dad.

After the episode ended, I made my way up to my room. I can't believe it's the end of the week already. Everyone was so nice and caring at school. Mr Waltz is one of the most delightful teachers I've seen. He loves comic books and kept making 'Marvel' and 'DC' jokes in between each lesson. As a comic book fan myself, I couldn't help but die laughing. Especially at all the 'Spiderman' jokes. Oh, my goodness. It's a good day to be a hardcore 'Spiderman' fan.

And with my classmates, they're all great. And all funny too. Since everyone knows I'm related to Michael, I marketed to them the opening of the theme park soon. However, it might only open a month later. Not sure actually, dad didn't say a specific month or date. Willow, Laura, and I at this point are a trio. We kept coincidentally getting put together when the class activity needs teamwork. An image of Laura flashed through my head, making me almost stumble up the stairs. Oh yea, relating to Laura...

Ugh, how much I despise but love her. She told the class about my ghost encounter, and now not only is the class calling me "Michael's Niece" but also "Ghost Girl". I hated it, but thinking about it, "Ghost Girl" has a nice ring to it. And not only that, the name makes me seem intimidating in a way. Sounds like a stage name.

My mind raced, before stopping and recognising I'd circled my room more than once. I still have much to decorate myself. My canopy bed lay right ahead of the doorway, with a luxurious navy blue bedsheet over it. Similar coloured, almost transparent, curtains tied to the poles on the side. There was a glass door that opened to a balcony on the left side, with another door right next to the bed facing me. On the right of the bed, however, is a small drawer with a bouncy ball I used for stress relief on it. A long-standing lamp was next. The rest will sound unreal. Continuing on the right, along the bookshelf, is a small round chair, with a circular table and red mat, next to an enormous fireplace. Yep, my fireplace. Continuing further down is the bathroom, with my bathtub inside. And right ahead of my bed was a built-in wardrobe.

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