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"What happened to Laura?" I saw my body lean slightly over to Willow.

"No idea. Yesterday she did say she was feeling sick. Why are you so worried anyways?"

I thought for a moment she was still distracted by the match between our school and another's. But I guess for Willow, multitasking is a natural gift. I looked down on her lap to see her drawing on a book, eyes still on the field. I was right.

"Just needed to ask Laura about another ghost/demon problem."

"Oh really?"

I let out a forced chuckle. "Yeah, this Neverland house is kinda tricky to handle." The chatter and cheers of students on our side interrupted us. Our school scored. We exchanged scared glances. We laughed afterwards. The people down the field re-located themselves. The biggest player in our school was sandwiched between two other boys, and another set of four behind, with one lonely player supporting at the very back. The opposite team directly mirrored them. A man on the side held on to a strange oval shaped ball, just a few steps away from the battlefield that was about to ensue. A sharp whistle blew. The students rammed themselves against each other, letting out roars of determination and courage. Once the ball was thrown on the floor, the real battle started there.

Willow came closer to me, so I could hear her properly. "I know I told you ghosts aren't exactly my thing, but you can tell me what the problem is."

I felt my heartbeat thump against my chest. She wants to know? I didn't properly think this through, I can't tell her about Michael. Michael won't be happy. Even if I'm still not sure if all that was real, I had to make sure no one knows. I don't want to be seen as crazy anymore. My mind raced to all the possibilities of dodging or vaguely answering the question. My thoughts rested on one option: to lie.

"How do I say this? Uhh... I saw the ghost Laura was probably talking about seeing when she drove past Neverland. I communicated with her and she told me she was in this dead-alive state. So knowing Laura, she probably has an answer to what that is. I can't find much info on it online."

Willow nodded while I nervously swallowed an imaginary pile of stones down my throat. She continued to sketch the match, marking the end to our conversation. Well, that's what I thought. She unexpectedly turned her gaze to me. "Yams, I know I can't force my opinion on you, but I really think messing with the 'paranormal' is not the best idea. It turned Laura upside down when she first started investigating." I turned back to her, my mouth muffled with all the fries I stuffed down. I returned a understanding gaze to her. She's right in a way. However, it was never my intention to be involved in it, all I needed are answers to this one question.

"I like how you care for me, Willow." I placed my hand over her shoulders, in which she let out an embarrassed smile. "Don't worry girl. I'm not going to get too deep into it. I just only need one question answered. One, okay?"

Laura and Willow are seemingly polar opposites of one another. Willow has drive and determination I never previously seen in other people. The other day she saved me from a biased teacher. She's like a protector. Laura was far off from a caring and tender character. And unlike Willow, nothing drives her, only ghosts and the supernatural. I always told myself to stay away from those types, but I somehow drew myself close to Laura. Was it because of her tough nature or dark humor? Thinking about it now, I seem like the awkward blend of the two of them. I've been told by many that even if I stand firm on my beliefs and ideologies, I'm open to everything and I'm willing to accept new ideas. I'm artistic like Willow, but thrilled by danger like Laura.

At another blow of the whistle, our side of the stadium howled in victory. I caught eyes with Willow again, before both of us began to laugh. We really aren't paying attention to Willow's older brother dominating the field.

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