Looking forward again

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Theodore and Eve spend the next few hours roaming through the city' highly acclaimed as well as the depraved areas, not minding where their feet took them. Once, they visited Bri but she was not there so, instead, Eve took him to watch one of the plays- a sensible one- even when she had vowed to never see one again. Can you blame her... she missed watching movies and binging tv series.

Feyre' new painting studio was nearby and so, Theo who had an interest in art naturally gravitated towards it. Eve did not mind. They were met with the site of the High Lady deep into her painting state that was only broken once Eve coughed loudly. Smiling when she saw them, she got up and dusted her leggings before coming up to them. Theodore bowed, "High Lady, it is my deepest honour."

Feyre smiled and nodded, "pleasure to meet a friend of Eve's."

"We were wandering about and thought we'd drop by," Eve said making Feyre smile brightly. "Good, I have been wanting to show you the studio for a long time now. I'll give you both a tour," for the studio was two-storeyed building and each wall had some painting or article hung on it made by the children, Feyre or some other talented artist. They spend the next half an hour inspecting them, all the while chatting about faraway places.

Eve could not help throwing questions at Theodore; the idea of roaming and meeting new people in places unknown seemed like a great prospect. Away from this Inner Circle who treated her as if she was about to explode, away from Elain's harsh words, contrasting her delicate tending to her gardens, away from all of this- a long needed break. She was parched for it and now that she had seen Theo near the sea, spinning tales about the water and its adventures, she could not stop the wanting for at least one sip of it.

"This has been lovely but I'm afraid I need to leave," Theo said finally getting up. Eve frowned at his comment, "aren't you the boss? Can't you take the day off then?" she asked. He shook his head, "unfortunately no, I have to check on everything," he answered. Eve sighed but gave him a side hug nevertheless. Dipping his head in respect towards Feyre, he left, whistling a sailor's tune.

After his departure, Feyre turned towards her, "he seems nice." Eve hummed in agreement; her eyes snagged by a painting that showcased the sun reminding her of the Day court. It was, as if, the universe was telling herself to go or maybe it was her trying to find signs in everything to reason her sudden urge to leave and explore.

"I think.... I would like to write to Lucien," she said suddenly and got up. "I will see you later, this was fun," she said hastily and left, leaving behind a confused Feyre.


Dear Lucien,

How are you? Last I heard from you, you were residing in the human realms along with Vassa and Jurian. Are you still there or has business taken you elsewhere? Your last anecdote of the small, hilarious argument between Vassa and Jurian made my day. I am sure there is something going on there. On another note... do you think they would be up to a stranger visiting them for some time? Say a week or so? And if it wasn't clear, the stranger would be me- I am getting restless here and what better thing to do than visit a friend and his new friends. Reply fast, unlike last time when it took you nearly two weeks to do so.

Your friend (the best one),

Eve :)


That night, Eve waited impatiently for his response knowing that it would take at least a week for him to receive the message, to read and respond and for the letter to reach her. Still, it did not stop her from bumping her leg up and down. Everyone noticed the new glow in her eyes but did not dare comment. Azriel gave her a curious look but she simply shrugged, shooting down his questioning gaze.


Dear Eve,

I am well, thank you for asking. I am still at the manor along with the two people whom we both agree have something going on between them. The same two people have agreed readily for you to visit us. You can stay for however long you like- their words, not mine, though, I am happy you are coming to visit for as long as you want. Tell me the time and place and I will pick you up or, you can surprise us by coming whenever. I hope I replied fast enough to save myself from your wrath. See you soon,


P.S. bring earmuffs, they tend to bicker a lot


Now that the letter had finally arrived, Eve squealed out of joy. Giddily, she made her way towards the townhouse to ask if one of them could drop her. She hadn't told anybody of her plan and was thus, a bit worried about their reaction to it. But, no matter what, she was leaving, besides, she did not need their permission, just their help.

So, she tugged the letter safely in her pocket and entered the dining area where Az was already present along with Feyre and Rhys. "Evening," Rhys greeted her. She gave him a small smile after removing her coat and placing it on one of the chairs. "Hello, where is everyone else?" she asked, accepting the drink Feyre gave her.

"They will be a bit late. Its only us three. Elain is not feeling well," Az replied. She nodded and sat down beside him. Maybe she would ask after dinner was over- till then she could come up with a way to break the news.

"So...." Eve started once everyone was done, "I had written to Lucien a while back asking if I could come visit him, Vassa and Jurian," Az stiffened, already not liking where this was going. "And they agreed!" she completed, throwing her hands up in joy. "Agreed to?" Feyre asked, wanting to clarify. "That I could visit them. I've been thinking, and since I don't have previous engagements here, I might travel for a bit... starting with visiting them."

Feyre gave her a broad smile even as she found the growing friendship between the two a bit weird, "that is an excellent idea!"

"So.... could any of you drop me? Lucien said he wouldn't mind coming but I don't want to disturb him," she said. Rhys nodded slowly, his eyes going from her to Az who hadn't said a word yet.

"How long will you be gone?" Az asked, his voice strained. Eve shrugged, suddenly finding her seat a bit uncomfortable as his gaze fixed upon her. "I don't know.... I don't have a plan or anything." Az nodded, a frown on his face. Eve still did not look at him.

Rhys finally broke the building tension, "we will take you whenever you want." Silently, he added to Az, she is starting to live again. This is good.

I know, came the quite reply, but that didn't mean he wouldn't miss her terribly, he added to himself.


Later, Eve found him on the terrace, looking at the stars. He always did that whenever he couldn't sleep or to remind himself he was free. She didn't say anything as she went and stood next to him, tilting her head to look at the sky.

"I will miss you," Eve said mournfully. His hand found hers. She squeezed it. "Write to me?" he asked. "I will," she promised, finally looking at him, into his hazel orbs.

They stood there for a while before Eve left, claiming sleep, but not before kissing Azriel on the cheek. A soft peck which left him to look at the sky with his eyes closed, trying to ease the pain that was building in his chest at the goodbye the peck had accompanied. 

Happy reading :)


the amazing author who is out of the reading slump (kind of) 

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