Chapter 1: Childhood

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5 Years Later . . .

It was a beautiful day for The Leaf,

As The Markets Filled with Bright and Happy People, as The Elemental Nations were in peace after all.

At the Senju Park Lies Children Playing with Each other, As Some were chasing others, Climbing the Playgrounds or Pretending to be ninjas.

Over a A Huge Tree Lays a Boy sat there, Watching the Other Children Playing.

The Boy had White Spiky Hair, Fair Skin, Red Markings on his face near his Dark Eyes. He was Wearing Shorts, Sandals, a Vest, His Name was Jiya,

He Sigh softly as He slowly turn his attention to The Mothers Of The Children as He let out a pervert giggle Until He Was Punch in the Head which causes him to fly across the Park that got the attention of the others in the park.

Jiya scream out loud as he crashes into another tree then hit the ground with a groan.

"PERVERT!" yell out a Female Voice.

"WHA- PERVENT?!" Yelled Out Jiya as He stands up to only face an Pink Haired Women with Emerald Eyes, an diamond shape on her forehead.

"YES YOU!" The pink Haired Women pointed at Him which caught the looks of the adults.

"HEY! I ain't a Pervert!" He Pouted as He grumbles with an Annoyed look.

"Hey Sakura! Be easy on the kid . . you don't wanna set a bad example for Sarada right?" Said an wild looking man with sharp fangs and a Big BIG Dog at his Side.

The Woman-Now Named Sakura huffs as She Gives Jiya one last look before walking away.

"Hey Kid, Sorry about her... Pinky is like that..." The Man said as The Dog Barks in agreement.

"Ah It's Fine, Mr Kiba..." Jiya sighs as He look down at the ground with a depressed look.

Kiba look at Jiya with a look then He Shakes his head as He look at Akamaru with a knowing look.

"Anyway... I gotta go! See ya!" Jiya said as He Runs off fast which exiting the Park.

Jiya runs and runs Until He Stops suddenly at A Hot Bath House as He suddenly had a pervert grin.

Moments Later, Jiya peeked through a hole and look at the Women... Set of assets.... Jiya giggles with a pervert expression as He took out a notebook and a pencil as He wrote down some notes.

He Chuckles as He can't wait for some more until He feels a Killer Intent as He was in fear suddenly, he slowly turn around to only to see Four women glaring down at him.

Jiya chuckles nervously "uh.... Hey ladies...."

Then a Loud Scram Of Pain was heard across the Village.

Somewhere in the Land of Fire, a Slug Princess Sneezes violently which causes Shizune to worried.

To be continued . . .

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