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[14 years ago Before the Events Of Boruto Next Generations]

In The World Of Naruto, It has been a Week after Naruto and Hinata Wedding.

It was a Clouded Day as It was just another day for the Hidden Leaf As at The Other Side of the Village, A Hooded Figure holding a Large Basket as They were heading towards The Orphanage.

They Stop at the Front of the Orphanage as The Figure look both ways then place the Basket down at the door with a note on it.

Then the Figure Shushin away like the wind as A Moment later the current Caretaker of the Orphanage look outside with the door open then Heard a Noise from Below as She look down and saw a Basket with a Note.

She Picks Up the Note and Reads it Carefully.

"Dear Caretaker of the Orphanage,
"As You Read this Note, I May Be already Gone But The Basket in front of you contains my child, For I am Unfit to care for Him, I hope for Him to have a Better life here in the leaf, So Please take care of Him for Me.

PS: His Name Is Jiya."

She Blinks then Look down as She opens the Basket to Reveal a Baby with Red Sharp Markings, She Coo at the Baby as She picks up the baby softly and gently cradles it.

'Thought... For some reason the baby reminds me of 'THAT' Pervert...' The Caretaker Thought as She was one of many Victims to be peek on in the Hot Baths By Jiraiya The Gallant!/The Toad Sage!

Her Brows thick in annoyence as She shakes her head then she brought the baby in with the door closed behind her.

At Mount myoboku

In A The Contract of the Toads, a Name Flash a bit for a moment then nothing.

The Beginning of A Next Chapter. . .

Reborn: Jiya The Next toad SageWhere stories live. Discover now