The JetSki

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After that we did some much needed packing, we tried to decide on what we need to keep and what we need to leave.

Of Course the boys wanted to keep most of my furnisher being nicer than the collective few that they had

"Wait fuck, can we please take the light sabers, please,"  Baylen begs of me, i just laugh

"Sure go ahead, i cant put them to waste now can i?" He smiles and takes four of them and brings them out to Peejs van

As I'm starting to unplug my toaster I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, "You look so pretty like these,"

I look at him with a smirk growing on my face, "What in the kitchen?"

I smile while he starts to stutter over his words and I just laugh at him

"No! That's not even close to what i meant," i turn my head to face him and give him a peck on the lips

"I know i'm just messing around with you bubs," he smiles while i continue to pack up everything, as i give the boys the boxes to move upstairs i come down to my last few,

"Okay these should be it,"

"Wait before we leave, are there any good restaurants?" i smile before i nod, "Yeah and that reminds me i have a jetski i will need to put up onto craigslist,"

The boys just all look at me before rushing over to me

"So, could we maybe keep the jetski? There are perfect ocean bays by us to dock out of," baylen begs while i ponder the idea "Well you would have to pay for it because i'm not paying extra for it to get shipped,"

"It's done, I'll do it. Could you teach each of us how to drive it when we get there though,"

i nod and go up to grab one of my swim-suits from my suitcase. While the others go change into their from the luggage they brought with them

We are in the jam packed car and then we go off to the restaurant that has the dock attached

"Okay, so when we get there im going to need to borrow the car so i can tail it into the water if that's okay," they all nod before kyle asks a question

"How did you learn all of this Everest," i smile before i tell them my childhood memories

"Oh you know just a lot of practice with my family, and taking on opportunities to learn,"

They nod as everyone hops out and I get to the front, to start loading up the jetski. As I pull on the trailer and get it ready for water, I get a little bit of grease on my shirt, so I just take it off

I hear a whistle come from my right and see peej smiling at me from the tablet the got outdoors, "Shut up you weirdo," he laughs and shakes his head "I don't think i could even if i wanted to,"

I back it up till i hear a detached click and i pull the van and trailer back into another parking space, I walk out and i yell for one of the boys to come first, Baylen decided to step up after a bit

I let him sit in from and me on the back wrapping my arms around his waist, "Okay so everything is mostly very self explanatory, if you fly of this wristlet will come off with you and will kill the jetski immediately,"

After a bit of explaining he start to go causing me to wrap my hands around him right away, he does a couple of turns before turning a little to sharp and flinging us both off of the jetski

I come up almost as fast. I hit the water already climbing back on the jetski while laughing, Baylen is dying while he can't seem to get back on the jetski. I laugh at him as he keeps slipping and falling

Finally after some time the last person to come on was peej, I wrap my arms around him and put my chin on his bare shoulder give him step by step instructions that the other boys didn't seem to catch up on

Before he start to drive and gripped my face with one hand and kissed me "You know just for goodluck," i smile and tighten my grip on his waist as he takes off, i direct him to go farther into a more open area and he starts to go faster while yelling

I look at him and see his eyes crinkle due to the smile on his face being so big, i lean my head on his back and i kiss his shoulder blades, he suddenly stops the jetski making me look at him

"Can you drive on the way back? I don't want to mess up the parking," I smile as we carefully try to switch without tilting the jetski. When i see his face appear in the crook of my next i start to drive slowly to the dock

I feel him start to litter tiny kisses around my neck making me smile at him and lean into his touch, as we pull in my hair wet from all of the crashes the boys made me face we walk to our table to eat

"Damn! You lookin good little lady," i feel peej turn around and look his middle aged man in the face "Oh what you got a problem with starburst?" i saw peej bit him lip as baylen and kyle come to his side

"We will if you don't be respectful to my girlfriend over there," Peej says in a low demanding tone "Just leave her alone and we won't have a problem," Kyle says just wanting to be done with the argument

Peej walks away and pulls me with him to the back of the restaurant where no one was "Are you okay bubs?" I nod my head and hug him, loving the way he holds me i massage his arms because he feels very tense from what just happened

After a couple minutes of being silent just relaxing in each other's embrace he puts his hands on the sides of my waist and pulls me in for a kiss, and another one after that."You are just so perfect angel," i smile at the use of another nickname

"I don't think i can ever get sick of you Peej,"

Authors note- i think i'm going to stop this book around 26 chapters! so keep reading and letting me know what you think!

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Authors note- i think i'm going to stop this book around 26 chapters! so keep reading and letting me know what you think!

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