A Long Needed Day

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After a couple of hours, we got bored and decided to go home, I got to my room with Peej following on my tail and shutting the door, "Listen I know I fucked up, it's just-"

"Are you embarrassed by me?" I question him mid-sentence "What? No god no, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me," I look at the ground "Then why did you go through with it?"

He takes a breath before starting to talk again "I just, I don't know. Trust me I didn't want to but it was for the video and I thought that maybe if I did do it. Baylen would leave me alone about getting a girl,"

He takes my face in his hands and leans it up "Because the best on his right here," I lean in to kiss me, and I kiss him back, I smile mid-kiss and just allow myself to get lost.

I don't think I want anything else besides Peej right now in my life

I pull away super fast with an idea that came across my mind "Can we go get Chick Fil a, Please please please Peej,"

He laughs but nods I jump on his back and we go down to where we parked the car outside

As we both get in that car I buckle up and his hand finds a spot on my thigh "So how's the recording going?" he smiles at my interest in his work

"It's going really good, I love it. I think you're going to enjoy my song when I finish it,"

I hum and play with his fingers the dance on my thigh "You know I think your amazing right Pj,"

He continues to look at the road while nodding "And I to you miss Everest,"

I laugh and I grab the Aux while turning on my favorite song "In Color" I hum along to the lyrics while looking out the window seeing chick fil a

"Oh my god! There it is, It's my savior,"

"Everest, I thought I was your savior," I look at him with my face screwed together "Yeah no I don't know who told you that but your not," he laughs at me and I smile at him

We order what we like then we wait in the huge-ass line that always seems to be at chick fil a, I groan and slide farther down my seat

"Why is it so long," I look over at Peej who is already has a smirk growing on his face, "Shut up you horn-dog not what i meant,"

I sigh and lean back up to give Peej a kiss, "I like kissing you," he smiles "I like kissing you too,"

I look at his hair where his roots are starting to show up brown as it grows and his hair is getting longer

"Are you going to let me re-dye your hair at all?" i ask

"Well yeah and I was wondering if you could next time do a split dye, I kinda want one side hot pink and the other blonde," I smile and nod "I can definitely do that,"

The person comes to our window without food and drinks which Peej grabs and hands to me "Hold this and wait till we get home to eat so we can watch Cobra Kai with food,"

I hum and notice his hand was still on my thigh which got me thinking "Hey Peej," He looks at me "When are we going to you know like put a label on us," He smiles and looks back to face the road

"Soon I promise, I want to make it special for both of us," I nod as we pull back up to the house going into our room.

I go to the bathroom and changed into a Frick Vape hoodie baylen gave me from his extra merch and a pair of navy Adidas spandex before coming back out

I jump on to Peej and grab my food from the bag as we watch cobra kai, about thirty minutes into it me and peej get tired and start to snuggle, but before we fall asleep Baylen and Kyle bust into our room

"Guys Guys Guys, we've got to fly out to Atlanta right now please, Seb is graduating 6th grade and they have a ceremony for him in two days,"

Peej groans being interrupted from his sleep and I just lift my head up

"Come on please just get up and pack and you guys and sleep on the way there, It's a surprise for seb which he will love, and Ever will finally meet him,"

I smile and nod and push Peej out of bed

"Let's go wake up Peej I want to meet him,"

After Baylen and Kyle leave we start to pack and get ready for the airport, we clean up our room for the owners and meet the other boys in the car

"Oh my god Ever, you're going to love sebas I promise you," I laugh and shake my head, I look down at my phone and see a text from peej and I look at him before opening it, "Watch this," I turn back to him

Having his hands on my face and pushing our lips together, I melt into the kiss and  heard Baylen start cussing

"Hold on what the actual fuck," Kyle started to join him before Peej let me go

I laughed before saying "I'm ready to meet Sebas,"

Authors Note- Hope you guys enjoy so far! i'm excited for her to meet Sebas :) make sure to comment! <3

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Authors Note- Hope you guys enjoy so far! i'm excited for her to meet Sebas :) make sure to comment! <3

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