"I'll be right out. Please just take a seat on the couch!"

She didn't want me to leave anymore, understandably after what I'd told her. But if my presence had upset her this much.

"Olivia, it's okay, I can leave. I just wanted to see you and tell you what's going on myself."

Her voice was less strained and more firm. "Shayne, take a seat." 

Roger that. "You sure you don't need anything?"

"Nope, I—" She got right back to emptying her stomach contents. This time it almost sounded like a projectile.

I pursed my lips. "Alright, I'll take a seat then."

Her couch was a fucking rock. And unfortunately it was the only furniture around other than the two wooden bar stools at the counter. The walls were a horrendous shade of yellow. Nothing personal was framed or nailed up. It wasn't fancy by any means.

And I would have given the whole fucking world just to share the place with her.

The shower in the hallway bathroom turned on. I tsk-tsked. It must have been a hell of a mess.

Ten minutes later, I watched the door handle to the bathroom turn and I sat upright. I moved to the edge of the couch, elbows on knees, eyes on the door.

It slowly creaked open until the full sight of her stood in the doorway.

The towel ended right around her gently curved hips. Her hair was wet and dark, droplets of water falling from it's ends to the hidden valley between her breasts. Her skin was rosy pink and supple from the shower. And lord help me, those fantastic legs were on full display, glistening and bare.

The full force of my hunger hit me so hard I had to dig my feet into the ground and force my gaze away, taking in a deep breath. This wasn't what I was here for, and even if it was, it was highly unlikely she would even let me touch her.

"You want to stay for dinner?" 

When my eyes jumped to hers in surprise, they were looking at everything but me. The rosiness in her cheeks was brutal, and she couldn't seem to stop biting her bottom lip.

Damn, I nearly forgot about the major puking session. At least she hadn't sensed my raging need and was more worried about what I'd witnessed some minutes ago.

I smiled, a giddy feeling filling my chest. "I'd love to stay for dinner. How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. Everything got out."

I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah I heard."

She winced, finally looking at me. "I'm sorry, that was so embarrassing. Last time that happened was back in high school, when I crashed my mom's car and didn't tell her."

I let out a low whistle. "Not the easiest of situations. So when you're nervous, you..." I gestured towards the bathroom.

Her blush deepened. "Yeah, more so when I'm stressed."

"So I stressed you?" I shouldn't have come.

"I've been holding back that nausea for weeks. It wasn't you, trust me." She folded her arms. "What you said, about the plea deal. Is it true?"

I began to speak, but her phone beat me to it.

"One second," she said before walking to the counter and answering the call. "Good evening...Yes? Uhuh...plea deal? Oh I see..No, no problem at all...You have a good night too."

Too distracted to look away in time, she turned to me and found my eyes where her ass just was a moment ago. She tightened the towel around her body, a different blush reddening her cheeks.

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