|2| What did they do to you?

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After some deep breaths I finally felt strong enough to open my eyes, although I kept them fixed on the ground for a few seconds to allow them to focus. But I could feel eyes on me so I looked up a little sooner than planned, too impatient to meet this gaze. My breath hitched in my throat when I focused on her piercing green eyes. They were staring right at me, right into my Y/E/C eyes. As I took in the rest of her face I was overcome with her beauty, her jaw and cheekbones were chiselled, the rest of her features sharp but there was a certain softness to her. Although that quickly disappeared when she realised I'd been staring for a little too long.

I soon caught onto that too, searching in my mind for some way to shift focus. That's when I remembered the bread in my pocket, the roll that I'd quickly hidden when I went for a shower to make sure it didn't get taken away with my dirty clothes. It was still there, pressing up against my tender ribs. Placing nearly all of my weight against the wall I rose to my feet again and slowly stepped forward, having to grip onto the bars of the cell to stop myself falling as my legs trembled beneath me. I looked around lazily, barely checking for onlookers, before pulling the bread out of my pocket and reaching my hand into the cell. It just hung there, waiting for the woman to take it from me but she didn't, instead she just stared at it mindlessly. We both quickly became aware of my now shaking hand, my arm barely able to hold itself up for a few seconds before protesting. "Please take it" I begged her, the desperation for her to relieve my aching limb apparent on my face.

After a few seconds she took it from my grasp, our fingers brushing momentarily, before her hand pulled back towards her and she stuffed the roll into her pocket. I let my arms fall back down to my side, having to endure another wave of pain at the movement. I leant my head against the cool bars in order to soothe myself as I fought the pain, a grimace on my face that I couldn't stave off. "What happened to you?" That same quiet voice posed the question, and I almost thought I'd imagined it until I looked up to see her green eyes on me again.

"Oh nothing, don't worry. It was my fault." She moved closer to me now, still keeping some distance between us, but it seemed that she wanted to get a better look at my beaten face. If only she could see the matching injuries that I hid beneath all of these layers of clothes.

"It doesn't look like nothing to me" she continued, still analysing every part of my battered appearance.

"I wouldn't know" I replied, since I seriously hadn't seen my face. Not in a long time since I didn't have access to a mirror, due to the fact that the glass could be used as a weapon.

Without another word she moved closer again, hesitating for a moment before speaking again. "Both of your eyes are black, the white of your right one is red, you have a split in your left eyebrow and a gash on that cheek that's pretty deep, a split in your lip and your jaw is swollen and bruised on the left too." Wow, she really had paid a lot of attention when she stared at me. Her eyes didn't miss a single detail.

"I've had worse. How's your side doing?" I quickly shifted the focus, desperate for it not to be on me anymore. She just shrugged in reply, which I could only assume meant it was fine.

Before either of us could utter another word I heard footsteps approaching, and with a swift turn of my head I realised they belonged to Strucker. I quickly stepped back from the cell and bumped my back into the wall, wincing at the impact. "Y/N, what do you think you're doing speaking with the inmate?"

"I'm sorry sir." I didn't elaborate on the apology, having no excuse to explain my communication with her that he'd accept.

"I thought you would've learnt by now" he spat, noticeably referring to my beaten body. "She's the reason you ended up in this mess, did you not learn the first time? Do you need a second reminder?"

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