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010. of pawns and seers

THE QUIDDITCH match sent waves of glee for a week long of bustling conversations and a few more eyes on honey then she appreciated. not only would this be the first time since charlie weasley had been seeker that gryffindor had won- but honey was rather sure that it was the first time somebody had fallen from the stands due to the snitch being on their arm. it was certainly something to have said about you, but honey found herself not minding that much. it wasn't as bad as she'd thought it would be, the stares had grown to be handled better.

the weather had also started to clear up. which, as always, was a blessing for some place like scotland. but the painful irony as june approached was that honey didn't have the blessing of being able to relax by strolling around the grounds or flopping down on the grass by the lake or playing a casual game of gobstones. she hadn't been able to relax because exams were nearly upon them all. students were seen inside trying to study- and those who were outside were studying as well- too engrossed in textbooks to properly enjoy the sun.

honey wasn't having a good time with studying. the only thing she found herself reeling studying well was care of magical creatures- and by extension defence against the dark arts since a majority of what they were learning that year was to do with dangerous creatures. with all her headaches, glancing at a transfigurations textbook made her want to scream. her nightmares were touch and go- depending on the day and the time the tea steeped in the mug.

sometimes, she'd wake up screaming (after the second time she got hermione to cast a silencing charm on her curtains so no noise would pass through them at night). but sometimes, she'd only wake up with a weak headache that would fade away during the day. it really depended on the day for her and today was thankfully a day that only gave her a twinging little headache that she could ignorantly ignore if she took enough caffeine to try shoot herself to the moon with each stride.

the day was boring as most were for honey when studying, leg bouncing in the library before she decided she couldn't concentrate at all- and shifted herself so she was outside. well, she wasn't outside yet but that was the main goal for honey which then got interrupted quite rudely (or not so rudely, depending on how you looked at things).

she had been just walking down the hall that led outside, books and schoolbag in hand along with rolls of parchment when a voice came from somewhere behind her, calling her name.

"miss jordan!" called the voice again.

honey stopped, turning around to her surprise to see her sandy-haired professor. she tilted her head, a bit confused. "professor?" she said, "is something wrong?"

is he going to talk about the dog? the voice said. she hated the way it sounded. it didn't sound like a foreign voice invading her mind now- more like her own, and she didn't know what to think of it which meant most times, she just didn't think of it at all.

shut up, she snapped at the voice.

"nothing wrong, honour." the professor said awkwardly, frayed strands of string hanging from his old tweed jacket. "but i wonder if i could have a word with you in my office? i assure it won't take too long, and not that serious i assure you and it won't take from your study i hope."

"um.. sure?" she mumbled, she looked at him as the two walked, "you're looking a bit pale, professor."

he gave a shaky and weak laugh, "oh that's nothing to worry about, honour. i'm always like this around this time." he coughed a bit before herding her to a set of stairs, moving them to a corridor that she presumed led to his office. "i noticed you spend most of your time with hermione granger- and recently her friends?"

[1] 𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒 ― h.potterWhere stories live. Discover now