#58. "Willing to heal"

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I suddenly felt the warm weather
Wanted to go outside of the burrow
Yet, I can't find the keys to openings
Maybe somebody picked up them for me

Hopefully, I can go any places
Reopening my existence again;
I didn't care about moving forth
Quite be still reminiscing eternities

Probably hereafter night,
Will no longer wiping cuts;
And, no longer hiding truths
Wounds will be replaced by the scars

This year might be the beginning
The connection may be ruined;
I restful marveling if this works
Still, setting off is the signal

If the calls won't come back
Likewise, I won't frighten to continue;
Presence can occasionally reassuring
Wishing my cellphone can.

Tula ng makataTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon