Chapter 43- Big Fat Alien Wedding

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"Exactly! Thank you! That's what Ben and I have been saying," I thought. "These are my parents  -- Mr. and Mrs. Mann," Camille introduced. "I'm sorry we had to meet under such awkward circumstances." "So are we." "Maybe this won't be so boring after all," Ben said. "Nothing can be boring as long as we're together, Benji." "Uncle Max, this has been a nightmare  -- not just the families. The wedding dress got lost, the photographer's camera got smashed, all the flowers up and died. Everything's going wrong." Joel said, panicking.


"Don't worry. I'm sure it'll all work out." "Excuse me for interrupting, but I'm Gwen. This is Paige, your flower girl." "Gwen, I think you're more excited about this than I am," I said. "Of course I'm excited! You and Ben get to walk down the aisle together." She said, humming the wedding march. Later that night, Ben said that he wanted to take a dip in the lake.


We were heading to the lake when we passed by a dessert truck. Ben saw a cake and had a huge smile on his face. "Come on, princess. Let's feed each other cake... it'll be good practice for our wedding." I reluctantly nodded and hoped that we wouldn't get caught. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. The person delivering the sweets caught us. "It's okay. We're the official food tasters. Yeah. Keep up the good work."


We made it to the lake when we saw a sign. "No swimming? Now what are we supposed to do for fun, princess?" Ben asked. We saw the food truck speeding away and got an idea. He activated the Omnitrix and in a flash of green, he was Cannonbolt. We hit the track head on and it exploded. "Oh, yeah, it's scary being this good." Suddenly, everything was on fire. "Benji, we have to do something!" I said, freaked out.


"This isn't working. We need water  -- lots and lots of... Cannonbolt cannonball!" With the fire put out, we went to get out of the water Out of nowhere, guns were drawn on us. "Oh no!" I thought, shaking from fear, not from the water. "Boy, the lifeguards around here are really strict," he said. "An arburian pelarota." "An alien wedding crasher. Who sent you?" Betty Jean asked. "Nobody, I swear!" He said.


"What is going on?" Joel asked. "This alien was trying to ruin the wedding." "I was trying to save the wedding!" Ben argued. "I can't imagine why, Benji. These people are crazy!" I thought. "Uh, it seems like he's telling the truth," Max said. "Still, better not take the chance. You know aliens  -- can't trust any of them." "Camouphlat vaporis." Gwen cast a spell and steam appeared. When it was safe, we escaped.


"He's getting away! Blast him!" Gordon shouted. "Put those things away. This is a wedding, not a shooting range," he said. "But that thing is still out there." "It doesn't matter. We want you to promise, no more weapons for the rest of the weekend," he said. I saw a shadow move and we went to follow it. "Hey, where'd he go?" Ben asked. I shrugged, not knowing what to say.


Ww saw the shadow and rolled away from it. Suddenly, the Omnitrix timed out and Ben was back to normal. "Princess, are you ok?" "Yeah, are you?" He nodded, "I hate weddings. I can't wait for ours, my love," Ben said. I kissed his cheek, "Come on. Let's get back to the Rust Bucket." "I guess I forgot to mention that the groom's parents were Plumbers and the bride and her family are aliens, huh?" Max said.

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