Chapter 18 Where It All Began

Start from the beginning

"We are here. The Cave of Seal, place where Veldora was sealed few hundred years ago. Our plan is simple. We will camp outside of the cave, using the insides as a fortress in case of danger. Now, go eat and rest. We moved through quite a distance and we need strength for tomorrow as then we will begin rebuild of our village!"

 Ogres shouted in both relief of not having to march anymore but also happiness that this will be their new home. They began to set up their tents and bonfires and soon area was filled with cheerful and hopeful chatting.

 Some time later after ogres set up their camp, Shiva was sitting together with other around one of the campfires, as others were talking he watched the fire.

'Great Sage. Can you tell me something more about giving monster a name? If there is something that Velodra didn't say?'

 Besides possible evolution for a certain monster, there are two possible side effects. One of them is that this monster will gain a weaker copy of their namer's ability. Second is that if levels of magicules of namer was much higher then named monster, monster has a chance of developing a deep loyalty towards his namer.

  Shiva frowned slightly as he heard that.

'Then how come I...betrayed Veldora? He was much more powerful then me so I should also develop that sense loyalty, right?'

 Correct. However there is not possible answer to your question.

 Shiva sighed as he got more questions then answers after he asked that question. He then stood up and went to Young Master. He noticed Shiva walking up to him and raised eyebrow.

"What is it Shiva?"

"I want to show you something?"

 Young Master became confused and looked around.

"Here? What do you want to show me?"

"Come to the cave's gate. And bring only those you really trust."

 Young Master's eyes widen as he hard that but he nodded knowing that Shiva will answer his future question. Shiva nodded back and was about to walk away before sopping and looking over his shoulder.

"Oh and...don't bring Princess with you."


 Shiva then left the camp and found his way towards the gate. He walked up close to it and looked it up and down. He lifted up one if his hands and placed it on the gate.

"So I came back here, huh?"

 Another memories of Veldora flash before his eyes and he closes them, not wanting to see them. He frowns and his claws dug into the wood. Then with his enhanced hearing he hears someone walking up, he sighs and begins to turn around exception it was Young Master.

 "Shiva ?"

 His eyes widen as his gaze locked itself with Princes's. They watched each other for as second before looking to the sides.

"What are you doing here, Shiva?"

"Oh, nothing much..."

 Shiva wants to take his hand away but as he does he rips away some parts of the wood, showing that his claws dug deep into them. Shiva's eyes widen as he looks down at his claws before sighing and scratching his nape. 

 Princess chuckles and walks up to him, taking away small parts of the wood, freeing Shiva's claws. As she was doing that Shiva was glancing at her face, or more importantly into her eyes. After she was done she took few steps back and looked at Shiva.

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