𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝟼: ☾ꨄWe'll meet againꨄ☽

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"What was that sound?!"

"Dewey, it was me calm your ass down." You rolled your eyes, plopping down next to him.

"Are you sure? It sounded like it came from upstairs. Are all your doors locked?" Dewey rambled being even more anxious than you.

"Dewey can we please just watch a movie in peace. You really think the killers gonna come here knowing there's a police car outside my house?" You scootched closer to Dewey laying your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry you're right um I'm gonna go get something from the car real quick." Dewey basically jumped up and darts outside.


"Lame." You sighed sinking into your couch.

After a few minutes of zoning out, you decided to put on 'Psycho'.

"Ahah Deweys missing out." You served yourself some orange juice and chugged it down the first 6 minutes of the movie.

That's when you realized Dewey hasn't come back yet.

You started getting worried. Should it really take you 10 minutes to get something from your car?

He's probably looking around to make sure no weirdos are around.

Twelve minutes later Dewey still hasn't come back. Now you know some things definitely wrong by now.

You decided you should go check up on him by just peeking your head out the front door. Nothing bad could happen if you just peek outside right?

"Dewey?! You okay man?!" You yelled hoping to get a response.


"The fuck...?" You should probably get a flashlight.

Closing the door and turning around someone grabbed you by your shoulders and pinned you to the door. You winced from your wound from the last attack.

"Shh it's okay, we gotta get out of here!" Dewey whisper yelled.

"Okay let's go, but what the fuck happened out there?" You started sweating from fear.

"He's out there! I got in by the back door you left it unlocked-.... shit... he's behind me isn't he?" Dewey furrowed his eyebrows.

You peeked behind him.

Holy shit.

"DEWEY MOVE!" You pushed the both of you off the door dodging Ghost faces attack.

You both sprinted to the back door.

'I think I'm gonna shit myself oh fuck oh fuck.'

You wanted to cry so bad.

You thought it was over.

Why couldn't it have just been Billy?

Dewey being in front of you reached the door first.

Trying to unlock it with his shaking hands you heard thumping behind you.

"Shit Dewey hurry up!"


Just as Dewey was opening the door you were pulled back.

"Go Dewey, go get help!" You kicked as hard as you could to get out of Ghost face grasp.

You were thrown to the ground and the killer landed on top of you.

"Hey doll~ God did I miss you-"

You were able to shove him off and darted to the kitchen.

"Oh, I am done with your shit!" Pulling out the biggest knife you could find you ran at the person on the floor ready to penetrate your knife into their chest.

Ghost face saw you coming and rolled out the way. You both spotted his dagger across the room and with you already standing you got to it first and kicked it farther away from him. Should you have just picked it up? Yeah. Were you being a dumb bitch by that action? Yeah.

Now you just need to get to a phone.

You screamed as Ghostface tackled you to the ground before you could get out of the living room.

"Get the fuck off of me you psycho asshole!" You tried plunging the knife into him but only got the side of his arm.

Hah matching wounds. Only his is steeper.

He hissed and held his arm.

"Agh you bitch! Oh, you're gonna get it now toots!"

You took this as your chance and dashed to the nearest phone.

You started dialing 9-1-1 but he tossed the phone out of your hands.

You looked down.


He has a knife again. You're a goner.

"If you try to call the police on me I can easily gut you like a pig right here and now." You shivered as the masked man towered over you with his deep black pits for eyes staring into you.

"If you don't I'll spare you and your friend and let you live tonight."


There's no surviving this. You cant try and grab the phone right now and if you call after he leaves he'll probably be watching and they'll be here after he's gone. There's no point.


"Good." He pushed you against him holding your head into his chest.

"And if I were you... Stay away from that Billy boy, would you?" He whispered.

And just like that, you were knocked out cold.


Groaning you lazily opened your eyes. Your sight was blurry and you could barely see a thing.

"Oh thank god you're alive." Dewey was kneeling next to you on the floor

"Agh... How long was I out?"

Dewey chuckled "For about 6 minutes."

"Really..? Huh..."

Dewey stood up "I should call for-" "No! Dont!""What-? Why not?"

"Just trust me, I'll explain tomorrow... God I feel like my brains about to explode- I'm... Im going to bed now." You just wanted to rest. God, you feel like if you said or thought one more thing you would faint. Fucking shit did he really have to knock you out that hard? Dewey helped you up from the floor and to your bedroom.

You couldn't think right now. What should you do? Do you let Dewey tell them about tonight?

Dewey was super confused. Why wouldn't you let him call for more people? Why didn't you wanna tell him? Why were all the phones in the house destroyed?


Sorry, this one's short again :(

I'm going to a ghost concert this Thursday 🤤


❤︎☽𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚?☾❤︎(𝑆𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now