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This past week with Heeseung staying here has been fun. He's very respectful, the kind of guy my mom wanted me to marry but I'm not marrying my friend. Yep, we became friends. On Wednesday, we went out and explored the city. I showed him my favorite coffee shop and restaurants.

It's been fun, except he's leaving tomorrow. I drag my feet and walk over to him. "Heeseung, I'm gonna miss you." I pretend to be so sad that I'm pouting but Heeseung just laughs at me and knocks on my forehead. "You'll be fine. You were fine before me, you'll be fine after." "True." I straighten my back. I pat his arm and look at his suitcase. "Better not leave any clothes laying around after you leave." I joke but he just gives me the look.

But he smiles, "Gives me an excuse to come back." And then, he winks? My face pulls into one of disgust. "Ew, you did not- get out. I'm kicking you out early." I try to push him out of the guest room but his body just holds him up. I smack his back and walk out, "Grab all your clothes because whatever you leave, I'm throwing away." He gasps in horror. "You wouldn't!"

"But I would." I wink at him just as he did then close the door and walk over to my couch to watch TV because I need to catch up on the news. From what I know, nothing major has happened since I last looked. Well, except for the fact that as I click the TV button to turn the TV on, my phone starts blaring a warning.

It's a national mandate? Why would we be having a national mandate? My eyes drift down to the smaller writing below. Oh my god-

I hear Heeseung scramble out of the room. He looks at me, and I look at him. We stare at each other before he finally walks towards me. "You got it too?" His eyes wide. I nod in response right before he grabs the remote from me and turns on the TV to see what it says.

The newsman is already half way through a sentence as it turns on. "-number of infections has risen a large amount. Residents are mandated to stay inside and avoid large groups of people outside of your household. We are now on national lockdown. When going outside for essentials, wear a mask and social distance at least 6 feet." We look at each other again. Heeseung smirks and says, "I guess I'm stuck with you..."

Many things are running through my head. Do I have enough toilet paper? Food? Most importantly, water? How long is he going to be locked down here? I really wanted to go to the park today for ice cream. But good ol' Heeseung is just sitting here all calm. "Are you not worried?" I ask in a panicked loud voice, but he just shrugs like it's no big deal. "You-" He nestles my hair before saying calmly, "It's fine, I bought more toilet paper and food earlier."

My mouth drops. But wasn't he leaving tomorrow? Why would he buy more things if he isn't even going to be staying here anymore? "Why did you buy more if you were leaving tomorrow?" I ask with a raised brow and he just smiles all innocently. He opens his mouth but then closes it, like he stopped himself from saying it. "I noticed you stocked your house with food and supplies right before I came so I figured, why not return the favor. You've been all but unwelcoming."

And with that, my heart melts just a little bit.

Nope. You've known each other for a week. You've lived with each other for a week. You can't be going around 'falling' for him just because he's good looking. Although I do admit he's gotten exceptionally more good looking now that I've seen his face everyday-

No, stop it.

"Best boy Heeseung." I get up and go look at what he bought. "Did you buy any chips? I can't live without at least 1 bag of chips in the house." He walks over and grabs the very obvious bag. Cross that out, 6 very obviously bags. "Hmm," I hum in satisfaction, "it looks like we'll be getting along just fine."

"Well," I sigh, "I guess you unpacked for no reason." Heeseung laughs an easy sort of laugh. Something clicks in my mind as he does. "Oh wait, can you travel throughout only Korea or is all transportation by airplane or train blocked?" Heeseung grabs his phone and types on it, I assume he's looking it up. "Looks like all transportation is blocked for the next week or so, until infection rate gets better." Dang.

Wait what? Why am I suddenly trying to kick him out? Shouldn't I be happy he bought more food and supplied the house? Even I don't know why I'm doing things now...

"Welp, welcome to your new home roommate buddy."

"I have an idea." His face brightens up. "What is it?" I'm intrigued by what his idea is, even if I don't even know what it is. We sneak out? Go buy ice cream and have our own little ice cream sundae party? I'm still obsessing over ice cream.

"Do you have any board games?" My face drops. Do I? I don't remember buying any. And then it comes to my mind. Heuna brought over a few on a sleep over night when she said her roommate was annoying her. She should've just moved in with me instead of insisting on staying there.

"I have a few, let me go grab them." I skidaddle off to the hangout room and find the games on the shelf. My shelf of K-POP album collections that no one else knows are in here because I don't normally let people in here except Heuna. Quickly, I grab the games so he doesn't think I fell in the toilet or something and I'm back to the living room in lickety-split.

As Heeseung goes through the board games, his eyes land on Bingo. He gives me a judging stare, "Isn't this what old people play in retirement homes?" I double over laughing. "That-" I'm about to start crying from laughing, "That was because Heuna told me, 'We're getting older, now it's time to start acting our age.' and brought me the damn game." Heeseung tsks and mumbles Heuna's name.

"Ooh but what's this?" I grab a game of an old man that has white hair with a black hair. "Um...it's Monopoly?" My brain goes blank. "So, you've never played it?" He raises a brow and I shake my head. Honestly, I never cared to play it. I was the type to read a book when I was stuck inside, not play games. "Nope, wanna play?" He goes silent for a second, but then a devilish smirk appears on his face. "Sure, but I won't go easy on you."

Like he said, he did not go easy one bit. He won every damn round, and we played 7 times! And then he pulls out the classic Twister. Of course Heuna brought Twister.

I hate Twister honestly, my body is like a stick and it won't move at all. Heeseung must know this because he smirks as he sets it on the ground. "Are you sure we aren't too old for this? And frankly, too big?" I ask, measuring my arm to my leg of the Twister sheet. It looks much smaller than I remember. "We'll be fine." He winks at me again. "I swear if you don't-" He flicks the spinner and lands on 'left foot red.'

A couple minutes later, body parts all over the place, we're all twisted. His face is so close to mine, I can feel his breath. I'm staring at the spinner on the ground, trying to reach it, but then he looks down at me and I freeze. I take notice of something I've never before.

His gaze is very strong. Maybe even a bit intimidating depending on the situation. And in this situation, it kind of is. Except it also feels like something else-


Looks like the game is over, because I just fell straight on my butt. What an embarrassing way to lose. "Ha! I won!" Heeseung gets up and does a little winner's dance. "Not my fault you stared at me like that." I huff under my breath. "What?" Oops he wasn't supposed to hear that...

"Nothing." Disbelief is written all over his face. Please tell me he didn't hear. Please. "Just admit you're a sore loser." Oh thank god.

"Sure, I am." I say sarcastically but he doesn't care because he just got me to 'admit' I'm a sore loser. But then he stops, "Ooh wait there's a new game I wanted to play on my laptop. Do you want me to keep playing with you or..?" His voice drifts off looking for my response. I smile back, "I'll be fine. I wanted to go read a book anyway." "Alright then." He bounds off to his room.

Was I the only one affected by that?

[HOLD] Stuck With You; L.HSWhere stories live. Discover now