Chapter thirteen

Começar do início

"You wish." He's suddenly push to the ground from the chair letting out a groan as he sits up dusting himself.

I look towards the one who push him its the original owner of the seat. I wave at her as she waves back meekly.

Behind her stood Indo who has nothing in hand probably has already eaten in the cafeteria or in the way.

"Its not fair! Lets switch seats Belarus!" Mal whine sitting on the floor probably became lazy to stand up.

"What? No way! I want to be close to Phil not Indo!" Bella retort as the two started bickering.

Funny since me and Malaysia is the one who always fight each other. Yes we still fight daily but not every minute. Plus our fight can get physical as we always punch each other.

And I dont think Mal would dare to punch Bella as Russia would come after his ass.

I hum watching in amusement as the two continue to bicker as Indo just sigh probably tired. He's always tired...

And with that the day continue with nothing but me being bored... I mean what do I expect? Its school.


I stare at my cards. Its pretty good since I had all of the color a plus 2 and a plus 4. Its currently Malaysia's turn to place down a card as he place a plus 2 yellow making Bella pull 2 cards from the deck.

Were currently at Mal and Indo's dorm. And we decided to play uno as were all bored anyways.

I have 6 cards, Bella have 4 cards, Mal have 4 cards and Indo has the most card which is 8.

Bella look at her cards and frown. Probably because she doesnt have any yellow so she pull one from the deck and place it down to reveal a plus 2. She looked at me probably waiting for me to pull 2 cards but ha! I also have a plus 2!

I place down red color card with plus 2 on it making Indo groan as he needs pull 4 cards. He put a hand his face.

"Hahahha...." What..? Why is he laughing?

"I would have cry and pull 4 cards but no!" And with thats he place down a plus 4.

"What the?! Is that allowed?!" Mal shouted

"Yes." Me and Bella said at the same time as we both want Malaysia to lose.

"Ha! Well good thing that I happen to have a plus 4! Pull on the deck Bell!" He shouted proudly looking towards Bella. As she only smirks.

She place down a card and its also plus 4. The looked
at me expectantly.

"Fuck you I have a plus 4 bitch." I place down my card.

"Color green" I got a glimpse of Mal's card earlier and saw that he doesnt have any.

"Well too bad Mal" Indo then place a color green card with a plus 2 in it.

"No! Too bad Bell!" Mal then place a color red plus 2.

"Im sorry Phil." then Bella place a plus 2.

What the fuck.

"Go pulled all those cards Bitch! Bahahahhaha!" Malaysia laughed at me.

"Wait how many is it.?"

"Fuck it! What do you want me to get?" I stood up already knowing that I would lose anyway.

We bet on who loses has to buy anything the winners want from the conviniece store and the loser has to pay for it.

"Buy me a lot of Milo!"

𝕀 𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora