He stood up and looked to Liv "Me and Rain are going to find a bandage, while you figure out how to put the magic in this knife into our sister" Kai said handing the knife to Liv and she takes it and Kai put his hand out for Rain to grab it but she doesn't, she stands up and pushes past him. "Well she's angry" Kai mumbled looking at Rain but then stopped before going after her "Preferably by the time I get back so I don't have to dull it by slitting you throat."

Liv looked down to the floor with tear's of fear in her eyes.

Kai and Rain were walking through the woods to get back to Mystic Falls so they can get something to stop the bleeding for Jo.

"Rain why are you so angry at me?" Kai asked confused and she looked at him like he was an idiot.

"She's a nice girl and I know what she did to you but to stab her like that, I know your smarter than that" Rain said and Kai softened slightly.

"That's not all, is it?" Kai said making her carry on and she sighed.

"You just got back, and we haven't had any time together" she said and a small smile reached Kai's face.

"Sweetie, by the time I'm done we will have all the time you want together" Kai said grabbing her hips and placing a lasting kiss on her lips. "okay?" he asked as he pulled away and she nodded. Suddenly, her phone went off.

"Hello?" Rain asked down the phone.

"Hey Rain, um, Its Caroline, I know your mad at me, at the moment but my mum's in the hospital and your still my best friend so I want you to know." Caroline said nervously down the phone.

"Oh, my god. Is she going to be okay?" Rain asked worried and Caroline sighed.

"I don't know" She replied sadly.

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can, Okay?" Rain said putting the phone down and gave a sad look to Kai "It's Caroline's mom, I have to go see her" and Kai nodded and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Your a good friend, Ill call you later" Kai said and Rain nodded and then quickly left to get her car.

* * * * * * * * *

Rain quickly rushed through the hospital, to see Caroline and Elena and walked up to them awkwardly "Hey" she muttered and the two of them turned to her.

Caroline gave a her a hug and she returned it "Thankyou for coming" Caroline said pulling out of the hug.

"Of course I came, I love your mom, she's like a second mom to me." Rain smiled sadly and so did Caroline. "So, what happened?" she asked nervously.

"I don't know. She just collapsed. One second were decorating, and then the next she's just on the ground." Caroline spoke quickly in a panicky tone "Maybe she just forgot to eat, You know, sometimes she skips breakfast." Caroline suggested and both Elena and Rain looked at her worried.

"And when was the last time you ate, Caroline?" Elena questioned and Caroline looked to her "As in fed?"

Care let out an annoyed sigh "Oh, God. Now you sound like Stefan." Elena gave her a pointed look "He just went to go find something to take the edge off." Caroline said and then turned around an sat in one of the chairs. "They have her sedated. She's going to be asleep for a while. Can you just come distract me for a while? heh" Caroline asked

Elena took a seat next to her while Rain stood there like she didn't belong there, It was like she had never been friends with them since Elena erased her memories. Rain stood there zooned out staring at the wall not listening to Caroline and Elena's conversation.

Suddenly, Rain had a shiver run down her spine again, It was like, it was telling her something so she took a big deep breath and her head became foggy like she couldn't control what she was doing, It was as if someone had taken over her body.

Rain looked over to Caroline and Elena "I have to go" she spoke in a monotone voice but before Caroline could question her Rain quickly ran out.

She jumped into her car and drove, and drove to the woods and then started walking till she ended up in a familiar place, It was where Damon and her managed to get out of the prison world.

Rain laid down on the grass and looked up at the sky. It was night time so she could see all the stars in the sky but she noticed one in particular, It was lonely, It was all by its self. The star reminded her of Bonnie and how alone she is the prison world and how she wish she wasn't.

Rain closed her eyes but when she opened them, she felt different she sat up and walked out the woods to where she had left her car but it wasn't there anymore.

"Hello?" Rain called out "Is anyone there?" but no response, goose bumps rose all over Rain. She was in trouble and she new it.

Rain walked to Mystic Falls but one thing she did notice was the sun. she hadn't slept for that long. had she?

Once she got to Mystic Falls she noticed it was empty and a wave of Deja vu hit her. She wondered the streets for a while to find a tree, for some reason Rain didn't want to leave she wanted to stay and wait for the person who put the tree there to come back.

Night had fell again for Rain and still no one had came until suddenly she heard a car pull up "Hello?" Rain shouted.

the figure got out the car and rushed over to Rain "Rain?" the voice said and it was familiar.

It was Bonnie.

"Bonnie?" Rain asked.

"Yes its me, How? how are you here? I thought I sent you back?" Bonnie fired Rain with questions but before she answered them she pulled Bonnie in for a long hug.

"I missed you so much" Rain whispered as tears fell out of her eyes.

"Me too" Bonnie said hugging Rain back just as tight.

Then Rain explained everything from the hospital and then waking up from the grass and walking to here.

"Do you want to help me decorate the tree?" Bonnie asked and Rain nodded and for the next half an hour the two girls laughed and talked about everything that happened back at home.

then Bonnie got a lighter from her car and after a moment of the two girls looking at the tree Rain looked to her and nodded. Bonnie leant over and turned the lighter on and set the tree on fire.

"Merry fucking Christmas" Rain spoke and then Bonnie nodded and leant her head on Rain's shoulder.

* * * * * * * *

Damon, Kai and Ric where all in the grave yard and Damon had tied Kai up behind a rock. Kai had done locater spell after locater spell trying to find Rain because when he called her she didn't answer so he tried again, and again, and again. He got Liv and Luke to do one then he came to the result that she had some how manged to get herself to the prison world again.

Because Kai didn't burn the ascendant he cloaked it and turned a bunch of little sticks to look like the pieces of the ascendant and hid the real one it Rain's jacket.

So Kai became angry. Really angry and sucked up all the magic that was making it so no vampires could enter Mystic Falls.

He just got Rain back. No way was he going to loose her again.

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