It's from his chains.

The Lord Elven rises from his seat. And the room instantly quiets, as I turn my burning stare on the monster of a father. He sounds so kind— his expression warm, in front of his people.

What a liar.

"Thank you for attending the annual celebration of the Forest." He says, smiling. "My two sons will now go down to the floor for the Gala Dance. Please— I wish an enjoyable time for all tonight."

The Princes give a deep bow. As they come down, my eyes monetarily catch the Crown Prince— the First Heir, and Tae's brother.

His hair is a shade of light silver, braided down his back with the royal circlet set on top of his head. His eyes glow deep violet behind a golden mask, and the smiles he gives the chattering ladies are full of feigned charm.

He honestly gives me the chills.

Shivering, I adjust my own mask and hurry towards Tae. I've only taken one step when I stop.

I'm too late.

He's already on the floor with a nobleborn. His eyes are blank and empty behind his mask— as if he's here but not here at the same time. He dances with her, but there is no expression at all compared to her blushing cheeks.

He doesn't know I'm here.

Somehow I was going to have to snatch him away, before midnight struck.

Jimin had told me the Gala ended exactly then, three hours from now.

But with every minute that ticks by, I slowly lose my hope.

I'd tried so many times.

But the moment he finishes a dance, another takes the place immediately. The competition between the ladies are so fierce that I can't even find my own place.

And the fact I still had to hide myself didn't really help either. I had to keep a little distance, too worried someone might catch on with my disguise.

The time just keeps ticking by as well.

I'm starting to get really anxious when a hand suddenly taps my shoulder. I whip around, body stiff and frozen.

My wide eyes look up into a pair of piercing violet eyes.

The Crown Prince.

The anxiety grows tenfold.

Did he notice I wasn't an elf?

But instead, he smiles. There's a fiery light in his gaze as he extends a hand in my direction.

"Good evening, my beautiful lady." He says, his eyes narrowing towards Tae before turning back to me. "I've noticed you've had your attention on my brother for a while."

I'd heard that Tae's brother was very competitive with him.

But seriously? This much?

"Could I offer you a dance?"

My eyes flicker behind him. There are still a lot of ladies there, wanting to dance with him.

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