chapter 43

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Nora's pov

I know I'm gone. I no longer feel the pain of my death. I dont feel anything. I can see my dead body just laying there and I can see Enzo leaned over it and crying. I reached out to touch him and sooth his pain but my hand goes through his back. He looks up and looks back at me. At first I thought he could see me and a smile goes across my face but he looks past me and the smile fades. His eyes are red and puffy. Tears rolled down his face. He turned away from me and goes back to leaning over my body and cries softly.

"I'm here baby." I call out but he doesnt turn. Tears roll down my face and reality sets in. I'm dead. I'm no longer breathing. Tears roll down my face now too. "Look at me, Lorenzo! Please! Please just see me!" I yell but he still doesn't turn around. I fall to my knees sobbing. I hold myself as I cry and watch Enzo. He wipes his tears and with one hand closes my dull eyes. They were once bright and full of wonder but now they showed nothing. He grabbed my body and pulled me onto his lap. He holds me as he rocks himself back and forth  while crying silently.

"Why!? Why her?!" He yelled out in pain. He gently moves the hair out of my face and bends down and kisses my lips softly. This kiss wasnt like any other kiss we have had. This kiss was filled with his pain and sorrow. I watched as his tears fell onto my face and he wiped them away. He took my face into his hands and and just looks at me.  "I'm so sorry I did this to you, love. I never meant for this to happen to you. You werent supposedto die, Nora. You were supposedto get out and live." He said with his voice breaking. "I love you, beautiful." He said in almost a whisper. He kissed my lips and then my forehead one last time and then gently picked me up bridal style. He held my cold body close to his and walked out of the warehouse.

This warehouse was were it all started and now it's where it all ends. I watched as his men ran to him while he held my lifeless body. This was the first time any of his men have seen him like this and it was most likely the last. I watched as he disappeared from my view. My soft cries filled the empty warehouse. I'm lost without him. He was my everything and now I'm in utter aloneness. I'll wait for him. I'll wait for the day I'll meet him on the other side. And when that day comes I'll take him by the hand and show him how to dance like I always told him I would. I guess we'll never get that wedding in the morning of June like we talked about on that one weekend were it was just us. This was our end for now but not our end for forever.

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