chapter 19

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Enzo's pov*

I opened the door and as soon as I saw who stood there I smiled. He had a smile on his face too but once he looked me up and down his smile dropped from his face. He held flowers in his hands but he dropped them to his side with his hands. He tensed up and his jaw, that was perfectly shaved, tightened.

"What can I do for you, Carter?" I said with a easy voice. I was going to make him the most uncomfortable as possible. I put my hands on my hips and leaned against the doorframe blocking his view inside.

"Where is, Nora? I was going to take her to dinner." My smile only got bigger with his words.

"Dont worry she already ate, I gave her more than food in these last couple of days." He shifted uncomfortably.

"Can I talk to her?" He asked, he clearly was uncomfortable and angry. I look over at where I left Nora. Her cheeks were bright pink and she stood there with shock all over her face. Her green eyes met mine and she nodded. I moved out of the way of the door and gestured for him to come inside. He walked inside and set the flowers on the island.

"Well come on, talk." I said. He cleared his throat and stared at Nora. But to my surprise Nora wasnt looking at him, her eyes were locked on me.

"I want to talk to her alone." He said, trying to sound bigger than he was.

"Well then it sucks to-" I started but Nora held up her hand and her eyes locked with mine.

"Enzo, go to my room, I'll meet you there after I'm done." She said in a stern voice. I knew I couldnt argue with her, shes a damn lawyer, she'll win any day. I nodded and hesitantly turned on my heel and walked to her room.

I shut her door and at first I didnt know what I could do for the wait but then I knew exactly what I was gonna do. I went to her nightstand and opened the top drawer. Inside was chapstick, lotion, hair ties, and a little bag. I grabbed the back and opened it too see condoms, a small bottle of lubricant, and a little metal vibrater. Oh how interesting to find this inside her nightstand. I honestly didnt think I wouldnt find it in her house but here it is. Not locked up, not hidden, just there in a little bag. I put everything back into the bag and went to her closet.

I knew Carter once lived here but there wasnt a single thing for a man in her closet. I had not intended for her sister to sleep with the man, hell hes not even that attractive so I'm surprised that Nora even slept with him. Hes tall and looks like he makes it to the gym every once in awhile and he looks like he gets his hair done more than he goes to the gym. But by the sizes on the condoms I beat him in that department.  I look through Nora's clothes for a few minutes before closing the door to her closet and going to her dresser. I open the top drawer to see her bras and panties, I pull out a red sparkly set and set it on top of the dresser and closed the drawer.

I was going to look through the others but I heard the front door slam so I grabbed the set and got onto her bed and put my hands behind my head to give her a full view of my body. In a few moments later and the door opened and her eyes caught mine. She looked me in the eyes for a few seconds before her eyes dropped down my body and a naughty smile found her lips. She walked to me, taking off her clothes with each step. By the time she got to me she was almost completely naked. She got on top of me and grabbed my face and kissed me like she needed my lips against hers. She pulled away after a while of the kiss and undid her bra and threw it to the other side of the bed. Then with her chest rubbing against mine she kisses me and her hips grinding against my groan. It took a minute for my mind to catch up with my body because I just noticed the whiskey taste that was left in her mouth. It tasted a lit stronger than what it would have been if she would have had just one glass. I grab her face and pull back. Her eyes open and she looks at me with confusion.

"How much have you had to drink, Nora?"


"You heard me, how much have you had to drink?"

"I'm almost naked and grinding on you and your worried about how much I've had to drink?" She rolls her eyes and begins to get off of me but I grab her arm and pull her back on top of me and hold her face tightly.

"Answer me, Nora."

"The rest of the bottle, okay? Does that make you happy to hear?" She says, getting irritated.

"That bottle was full besides the little bit we both had." I said, trying to be calm.

"I know." She says and looks down as if shes ashamed. I grab her hips and flip us so that I'm on top of her but I put no weight on her. I touch her face as she looks up at me with glossy eyes.
"What happened? Why did you drink the rest of the bottle? That's going to make you sick, Nora." Her eyes filled with tears.

"S-shes pregnant, Enzo." She said with her voice breaking.

"Whose pregnant?" I asked and that's what breaks the seal of her emotions. Tears run down her face.

"Ashley." She said in between a cry.

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