chapter 44

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Enzo's pov*

I never wanted this to happen. Shes gone and I'm alone once again. She was my last and I wont be able to forget her. No matter how many bottles I go through no matter how many people I kill no matter how many drugs I take I cant forget her. I dream about her, when my eyes close I see her brown and green eyes that were bright and beautiful and then I watch as they become dull and tears fall from them. But after 5 years I can finally visit her. I told her I wanted her to meet my mom but that's not possible so I placed her with her.

I was told to put her with her parents but I just couldn't. So she was buried next to my mom so they can be with each other so maybe she wont feel so lonely in what ever it is that comes after death. Today was the first time I went to see her or my mother after they died and were buried. Maria had wanted to come with me, her and Jeremy visit at least once a month and Matt, Sadie, and Nadia come along sometimes with them but sadie never really got know her and Nadia was only 5 when she died so she remembers very little, but she still talks about the flowers she got from Nora the day they met, but I couldn't bring myself to do it with them. I needed to be alone with the only two women I loved in my life. One gave me life and the other showed me love beyond tragedy. Nora showed me how to be a better man and how it felt to love someone no matter the risks. One day I'll be buried next to her and I'll be at peace with her for the rest of my existence but that day is very far away.

I took daisy for my mother and red roses for Nora. I sat them down on top of the now green grass. I got down on my knees in from of Nora's stone. I couldnt help the tears freely falling from my eyes. With a shaky voice I talked.

"I hope my mom isn't nagging at you, she loved to do that. " I paused and smiled. "I bet shes already calling you her daughter, she always wanted a daughter but instead she got me. You know she use to dress me up in dresses and if my hair was ever long enough she would put it in a bow. I hated it when I was younger. But it made mom smile so I did it anyways." It was getting harder to talk with my throat closing from crying. "I'm sorry I didn't make it to you both sooner, I couldnt bring myself to it. It's hard losing the love of your life and your mother in the same year. I hope you both found peace, if there even is one. I remember the day you told me about the pregnancy, hell I was ready to pick you up and throw you over my shoulder and go by things. To be honest Nora, I never wanted kids, they are gross and slimy, but that all changed the day I found out you wanted kids. If you wanted them they couldn't be that bad, right? Even on my mothers death bed she bickered at me for not having kids sooner so she could have meet them, I always felt like a bad son for not having kids for her, giving her grandchildren. She loves kids. She wanted more but after my brother's death or disappearance she stopped trying. She was overwhelmed with grief for those first few months. I wonder what our kids would have looked like, Nora. I'd hope that they would be as brilliant as you and hopefully have your looks too." I felt a laugh coming up my throat and I smiled at the thought of our kids running around us looking like mixtures of me and her.

"I probably shouldn't think about it too long because my therapist says it's not good to live your life like that. I did what I promised you, Nora, I'm getting help. You can thank Maria, shes been very persistent lately. Shes scared I'm going to blow up. Hell I would be too if I was her. Shes forcing me to go twice a week and more if she thinks I need it. I moved in with her, i cant even look at my house without remember that weekend we had in it. I couldn't even go get my stuff, seem pretty pathetic I bet. I wish you were here, Nora. You left this world too young. You left me too early, I wasnt ready to lose you. I needed you." I talked while hot tears ran down my face. "I love you, Nora and I'm so sorry this happened to you." I kissed the tips of my fingers and then placed it on the cold stone.  "Dont worry, I'll see you both again one day. I love you both." I heard a car pull up behind me.

I turned to look who it was when a bunch of men got out of a car. They rushed behind me and before I even moved they shot. At least 10 bullet collided with my body. I dropped down next to the stones. I put my hand on Nora's tome stone and whispered with blood coming out of my mouth.

"I guess I'll meet you sooner than I thought, love. Did I forget to mention I picked a fight with one of the deadliest criminals? Must have slipped my mine." I laughed and let the pain consume me as I closed my eyes and waited to fade away while bleeding out.

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