Chapter Nine

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I took the short way home, trying to get there before Oliver so he wouldn't question me on all of the manly products I had gotten. I couldn't hide them in my car because we switch between mine and his when we're going out together, it would just be plain dumb of me to keep them in the garage.

"Fuck." I sighed, chewing my bottom lip while thinking about where to hide the bags. I walked into my closet, dumping all of my heels and other shoes out. I had brought Alessandro's things upstairs already so I stuffed all of it in the boxes, knowing Oliver wouldn't go through my things.

I had a few minutes left so I hurriedly put all the boxes back and ripped the receipt before throwing it away. Having a sidepiece is hard when you're married. I changed into a pair of short pants and a tank top that pushed my breast up.

Oliver's car was pulling in when I started putting up the things I bought for myself. I already knew what to expect when he walked in and threw his things on the bed where I was folding clothes. "Sinclair is going to make me strangle him." he said angrily. I highly doubt you could even reach his neck without getting on your tip toes but okay.

"What happened? And could you not throw your shit on a pile of folded clothes?" I said, refolding a few of them.

"Sorry, I've just had a terrible day." He took his briefcase off of the bed and went to take his tie off. "My dad wants to work with Sinclair. Like merge our companies."


"Because he sees no reason for us to be competing when we could be working together. I think it's a dumb idea, we'd look weak."

"But wouldn't it be good to partner with a powerful company like Sinclair? I mean it would benefit you."

"Are you saying that his company is better than mine?"

Yes. "No, but the stats are saying that. I actually agree with your father."

His shirt was off now, and he went for his belt. "Fuck what the stats are saying. Alessandro Sinclair is not a good businessman. When I went to see him, he was on a call with a woman, they were flirting, and it was like he didn't even acknowledge me." I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent a smile from forming.

"At least he likes being on the phone with his girl." I mumbled but loud enough for him to hear.

"A good CEO doesn't have phone sex with someone right in front of a business partner." He said rather annoyed with my statement. "Why does it seem like you want Alessandro to win?"

I laughed internally and said, "I don't." I lied. "But you can't be upset with your father for trying to grow his business."



"You said his, it's our business and soon to be mine."

I nodded. "Sure." I went to the closet and put up the folded clothes.

"You're agreeing with everyone else but me."

"I just think that you shouldn't let your ego ruin a good deal." I shrugged and went to pick up more clothes.

"My ego? Athena what's gotten into you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you've been putting me down non-stop lately."

I raised my eyebrows at him suggestively. "Oliver, you've put me down more times than I can count. I don't want to argue with you."

"When have I ever done something like that? -" He paused looking at the lingerie I bought. "You went shopping. Since when you wear lingerie?"

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