One wrong move and the building falls. Move slowly...She told herself. Diana looked at where the closest edge was. It just so happened to be the one behind her. She slowly walked backwards as she turned around and looked down.

Lucky for her, the building she originally jumped from had a fire escape. She took the leap and gripped the steel bars when she made contact. She hissed when one of her hands slipped, but thankfully she managed to grab the pole just in time. She breathed a sigh of relief, looking down at the scouting robots.

Dumbass! She scolded herself as she quickly climbed onto the platform she was on and took a deep breath.

Diana used the ladders to climb down. When she arrived at the bottom one she made another leap and landed almost soundlessly.
She peered around the corner of the alleyway she was in and then looked down at the map. She has to get to another rooftop so that she can report in before they decide to do so and then ultimately blow her cover. The next building she needed to be at was one across the street.
"Now what?" She mumbled. She looked in the alleyway to see two car doors that were ripped off from the car.

Diana smirked as she gotten idea. Grabbing one, she crouched down and started to sneak past the robots, while using the cars that were stranded on the road as additional cover. She snuck into the alleyway and took a breath of relief.

She investigated the alleyway and found a small pathway behind the buildings. Team Alpha probably found this pathway and used it. Diana looked up to see it was almost dark. She had to hurry to the hotel where the team took shelter.

When she managed to find a secluded part, she radioed in. “Charlie Romeo Wun, come in for Charlie Delta. Do you copy?” Diana said.
“This is Charlie Romeo Wun, send your message, over.” It was Richard.

“All is in order so far. I'm getting closer to the Given Hotel, over.” Diana said.

“Copy that, over.” Richard said and Diana looked down at her map again. Almost there.

She dashed to the end of the pathway and started to climb the last building once again. She jumped three rooftops again before stopping. The hotel is in sight, but still a bit of a distance away. She laid down on her stomach and took her binoculars out.
She scanned the street up and down. The scouts weren't nearly as much as before. She frowned. That's a bit odd. “Charlie Romeo Wun. Come in, over.”

“Send your message, over.”

“I have reason to believe the scouts are looking for the base entrance. The Given Hotel is in my sights and the scouts are less here than at the first mark.” Diana explained.

“The scouts won't be able to find the entrance, but we'll keep an eye out. Have you found any leads so far? Over.” Richard asked.
“Nothing yet, over.” Diana said and inspected the street again. Diana looked at the radio and opened the map. I'm close to where Zac was attacked. Diana thought. Diana nodded to herself and jumped another few buildings. She stopped when she stood from the building across the said hotel. She went to the corner street tuck shop and looked down. She cursed when she saw a car was in her way to clearly see where Zac was de-handed.

Climbing down, she was thankful that there wasn't a scout nearby for now. She went to the car and crouched down. She noticed something out of place immediately.

A chain with two small, sleek, silvery rings. She puts it on and looked down to find a military grade knife with blood on it. The suit was nowhere to be seen and there wasn't even a blood trail to follow.
She just hit a dead end. She couldn't stick around for long so she once again climbed another building for cover. This one, however, had a tear-drop shaped hole in it and a gaping hole in the floor.

Zombien©حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن