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Our journey towards the apartment had started. Not to ignore the view outside. The sun had almost set, but slight traces of sunlight could be seen, I lowered the window and the cold breeze seemed to make me forget about all the things happened earlier. Everything about that moment was so perfect.

Suddenly Yeonjun stopped the car in front of a conventional store and said "sorry to ruin your moment but I just remember I ran out of ramen so ill just go and buy some..you wanna come or will you wait inside the car?"

I was really tired so I replied :

🅂: you go..ill stay

🅈: ouh okay..Ill be back soon

He smiled and left.

It has been almost 10 minutes since Yeonjun left, maybe he has more groceries to buy ..at first I thought of calling him but then I stop myself thinking that he will think that this girl is such a weirdo who couldn't wait for 10 minutes. So I decided to sit quietly inside the car and not to forget I had mobile data so as usual I kept on updating Aaimy about everything. Suddenly the store door opened and I thought it was Yeonjun but instead it was a lady ,maybe in her 60s or 70s. She didn't have much of a grey hair and her overall dress up was very sophisticated. Her both hands were full with grocery bags, she put one bag down and reached her purse for the phone and called someone. At the same time the store door opened and again I was hoping it to be Yeonjun but this time it was a guy,couldn't get his age because he covered his face with a mask and was wearing a black jacket and black jeans. He came and stood beside the lady. It was I think about 7:30 pm and the road was so empty I only could see three of us.

I thought he was also waiting for someone but.. an unexpected thing happened. The woman was being robbed! The guy standing next to her snatched the purse and started running. The old lady followed him but couldn't match his speed and stumbled upon and fell.

Enough! I couldn't wait anymore I got out of the car.At first I thought of helping the woman to get up but on the other hand that guy was getting out of reach. I don't know what got into me ..I started running after that guy and that very moment I heard "Seonji!" It was Yeonjun, standing in front of the store door with both of his hand full with groceries. I still didn't stop running instead I turned back and told him to help the lady. On the way I found a rock, I picked it up and threw it at that guy,it hit his shoulder which made him a bit unstable..and now we weren't that far from each other now... it was my moment to catch him so I tried to run even faster. Again I heard Yeonjun calling me but this time he was running with me too. We saw a man coming towards us from the opposite direction it seemed was going home from office. Yeonjun shouted something in Korean and by the action of that man I could tell Yeonjun told him to catch the thief guy. Him being a generous guy helped us and stopped the thief from going further.

Within a few minutes my simple life turn into an action movie. Thanks to that man finally Yeonjun and I succeeded in getting the thief guy. God I was so tired from all that running but also happy that we got him and got back that lady's purse. The old lady must have call the police, so the officers took him away.

We returned her purse. I told Yeonjun to ask her in Korean if she was okay or not and also that I was sorry that I didn't help her first.Yeonjun then translated her reply "I am okay..but are you okay? You ran a lot and thank you very much to you and your boyfr....."

Even before he could finish it I look at him and gave a questionable look.

🅈: what don't at me like that.. that's what she said

And he started blushing. I tried my best not to show that I got shy.

🅂: tell her she is welcome and also thay you're not my boyfriend

With a pouty face he said "fine!"

Yeonjun and that lady got into a conversation and me being a polite girl, was standing there even though I didn't understand a single word they spoke. Meanwhile a man came maybe the person she called before this incident, took the bags and headed towards their home I think.

Then suddenly my human translator Mr Choi Yeonjun said that we just got an invitation for dinner. I was clearly in a worn out state after enduring this tiresome flight then waiting at the airport and not to forget this action scene that happened awhile ago. So I told him to politely tell her that I'm very tired and not in a state to go anywhere else.Yeonjun understood and told her everything.. she didn't feel offended and understood the situation and invited us again for tomorrow's dinner.Yeonjun and I both were okay with that..she exchanged her number with us and soon it was time to say goodbye.

Yeonjun and I got in the car..we offered her a ride home but she said her son was coming so we left.

My whole body was aching I just wanted to get home as soon as possible!

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