Chapter Twenty-Five

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The absence of sunlight throws me off my usual rhythm and routine. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I make myself presentable for the day. Hopefully this is one of our last days here and Wanda provides me with the information I need so we can get back to Tony's building. I yawn as I lace up my boots. Bucky is still sleeping and I quietly slip out of the room so I don't disturb him. 

He slept soundly last night, usually he tosses and turns. Maybe this means he didn't have to deal with any nightmares, that would be a blessing. Bucky deserves a break from the mental torment he deals with. I know he hides it well, but luckily he's been pretty open with me so far and we haven't had any major issues since he remembered Tony's parents. 

My footsteps echo throughout the dark halls as I make my way to where Wanda and Pietro are being kept. I imagine Fury is around there somewhere, I know he wants to observe them. Today I plan on talking to Pietro as well to see if there's anything he can tell me. An armed guard lets me into the room and as I suspected, Fury is already here. 

"I figured you'd be here soon." He says as the door is closed behind me.

"Likewise. Is it okay if I speak to both of them today?" I ask, wanting to waste no time.

"Be my guest, you've been able to get more out of her in a twenty minute conversation than we have for a week." Fury says and motions for me to help myself into the room.

I step into Wanda's room first and she's sitting on the floor, her hands still wrapped up. I smile and sit down across from her. I'm both nervous and excited, I can't tell which is stronger. 

"Good morning Wanda, how are you today?" I ask.

"I'm still here." She answers. I nod my head shortly.

"It's not a very homey place, is it?" I agree with her. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to be and it's obvious she feels the same. I wonder what Fury plans to do with them. Surely they can't be kept prisoner for the rest of their lives. 

"Not at all. I don't even know where we are." She says and looks around the room. 

"Truthfully, neither do I." I answer. I haven't known my exact location since the first Shield compound I fled to.

"I have some questions." She changes the subject quickly. 

"Yeah, of course, what are they?" I ask. 

"After you left yesterday I was thinking. I can't seem to figure out why you're here." She says with squinted eyes. I take a deep breath and decide to give her the short version of the story.

"Well, I'm here because I ended up with Shield. I figure Hydra was never going to let me live peacefully and being with Shield is the best protection. I joined the good side this time." I say and slickly slide in some anti-Hydra rhetoric like Fury wants me to do.

"I know you defected from Hydra. But why are you here?" She asks and looks around the room. 

"I'm here because I believe your powers can provide some answers. I'm currently studying the scepter with some other scientists, we're trying to understand how it works." I say, leaving out my personal use for the research. 

"So you're going to do the same thing Hydra did with it?" She questions and I shake my head quickly.

"Of course not. No, we're not going to be experimenting on people. We simply just want to know what it is and how it works." I say, not wanting her to believe that I'm here to do more human experimentation. She stays silent for a few moments before I break the silence. 

"Wanda, I have a personal interest in you and your powers. I am an expert in neurology and I cannot fathom how your powers are possible. I don't wish to give anyone else powers, but if you could tell me what you know about how your powers work I will be most grateful." I say and lean towards her, hoping she senses my sincerity. 

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