Chapter Nine

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My mind is spinning as I frantically look for a familiar face, but to no avail. I make my way to the lab and see nobody there. I curse under my breath and turn around, continuing my search. They have to be somewhere. I constantly look around me in hopes I'll see someone who I trust and can help. I go for the conference room that I was in the first day I was here and see the lights are off. Where is everybody?

I feel like my entire body is shaking. This has to be a nightmare I'm trapped in, there is no possible way this is all happening right now. As I make my way down the next hall the lights turn off. The emergency lights flicker on and I stop in my tracks, watching them flash. Coincidences aren't coincidences. The red lights flash over and over again as an alarm begins to sound. I take a few steps back and start running for my room. I push past agents scrambling all over the place trying to get back to Bucky as quickly as I possibly can. 

I hastily turn into the dormitory hall and see that my door is still shut. Hopefully he stayed in here and didn't go looking for me or Steve. I fling the door open and feel as though time is moving in slow motion. The blonde haired man from earlier is standing in my room, crumpled paper in hand. There are two other men in the room, both dressed in Shield uniforms. I stand frozen in place as the familiar man pushes his glasses up on his nose. Bucky stands, looking between everyone in the room with a murderous gaze. The man clears his throat, 

"Miss Averina, I thought I'd never see you again. I never did get to thank you for your help back in the day." I feel as though I could throw up right now. I don't know what his plan or angle is but I know it's sinister. 

"Mr. Pierce, I can't say as though it's good to see you again." I say through gritted teeth. His eyebrows shoot up and he chuckles, 

"Now, I'm sure your father taught you to speak to your clients better than that. As I remember, you had exceptional, uh, customer service. And it's thanks to you two that I'm here in the first place." He says looking over my body before casting a glance to Bucky. Bucky stares at Pierce with a dark, baneful look in his eye. His jaw is set tight, his fists are clenched. 

I recall Mr. Pierce's contract he had back in the day and scrunch my eyebrows together, not seeing the connection. I hear Bucky's arm make noise and know something bad is about to happen in this room. Not liking the silence, Pierce speaks up again,

"You remember, it was 2005. The first contract ever made to utilize the Winter Soldier. I had an obstacle to remove. Once that obstacle was out of my way, I was able to make some friends in high places. And of course, me being in this position benefitted your father as well. I was practically handed this position and thanks to you, I was handed this as well." Mr. Pierce smiles sinisterly as he waves the piece of paper in the air. I feel as though a brick wall hit me as he explained how his contract led him to be a Hydra spy. Pierce looks at the crumpled paper in his hand and sighs,

"Well, time is of the essence and we've wasted enough. Let's get down to business shall we?" He asks and clears his throat. The two men rush Bucky and tackle him to the ground in the blink of an eye. In a quick motion, they attach some sort of electrical handcuffs to his arms and legs, making it impossible for him to move. 

"Longing." Mr. Pierce speaks in Russian. I hear Bucky struggle against the electrical cuffs. My eyes grow wide as I realize what's happening.

"Rusted." He continues the sequence. I have to do something quick or this situation can get out of hand very quickly. My eyes dart around the room looking for some sort of weapon. There are three men and only one of me. 

"Furnace." I feel adrenaline rush through my veins as Bucky begins screaming in agony. I don't care if it's three against one, I have to make sure that they don't hurt Bucky. Without thinking anything through, I grab the lamp that's plugged into the wall and swing it, hitting the two men restraining Bucky.

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