Chapter Six

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"Respectfully, I disagree." I listen to Director Fury shoot down my request to let Bucky out of the glass cage as he tries to walk past me. I fight the urge to roll my eyes and decide to try and reason with him some more. 

Steve and I came up with our plan last night and decided to wait until the morning to find Director Fury and ask. According to Steve, asking Fury in the morning would be the best strategic move because it's, "likely someone hasn't completely pissed him off yet". Though this encounter is making me doubt the accuracy of Steve's statement.

"Sir, being trapped in a cage is inhumane and would be bad for anyone's mental health. He will still remain in the room, just not bound by the restraints. Please, Director, I know what I am doing I was his handler for many years and it's the reason I'm here." I block his walking path and force him to stop, which probably wasn't the smartest move. He looks down at me with an unimpressed look on his face. 

"Fine, you can release the restraints. But if anything happens and he gets out or someone gets hurt, you will be held responsible." Fury sidesteps me and continues walking. 

I sigh a breath of relief and walk towards the dining area of base. That could've gone smoother but I got the answer I was looking for, so I'm counting it as a win. I stand in line and gather some breakfast foods on the metal tray before heading down to see Bucky. I don't know where Steve is, he never met up with me this morning to ask Fury, but I figure he'll know where to find me whenever he wants. I wasn't about to waste time waiting around for Steve when I can be helping Bucky. Though I think it would've been helpful if he were there with me. 

Once I reach Bucky's room, I open the door and set the tray of food down on the table located on the left hand side of the room. I'm assuming the table is here for interrogations based on the metal fixtures on the top. I turn to face Bucky and smile warmly as I approach the glass cage he's being imprisoned in. He watches me with confusion on his face.

"Good news, I brought breakfast and Director Fury is allowing me to let you out of the cage." I say and begin undoing the restraints on his wrists as he watches my every move. Undoing the restraints brings back familiar and unwelcome memories, but I hope that this will be the last time he's bound like a prisoner.

His skin is warm, and I can see where his right wrist has been worn by the restraints, the other is metal which obviously shows no wear or tear. My heart breaks a little seeing the irritated skin, there is no reason he should've been kept in this condition for so long. Suppressing my anger, I undo the last restraint and Bucky stands. He rubs the sensitive skin on his wrist and then stretches. I can't imagine how freeing that feels. I take a few steps back to give him space and watch as he enjoys being free from the cage. It's a new experience seeing him just be himself, and it warms my heart. Just as I remember, Bucky stands about six inches taller than me. I walk over to the tray of food and pull a chair out for him. 

"Care to join me for breakfast?" He looks at me from across the room and makes his way over slowly. I grab an orange off the tray and begin peeling it, hoping that by being relaxed he also feels relaxed. I have to admit I am a little nervous. I've never interacted with him in this way, it's all uncharted territory for us both. It's definitely going to be an adjustment but it's one I welcome with open arms.

The sweet citrus smell fills the air and I eat a piece of the orange, placing the peel on the table. Bucky sits and looks over the food on the tray and looks up to me.

"Help yourself, take whatever you want." I say with a small nod, encouraging him. My plan is to use this time to get him comfortable in his surroundings and around me. There is no pressure, I want to work on our foundation of trust. Bucky takes a piece of toast as I eat another piece of orange. I sense he's feeling a little apprehensive about everything, which is to be expected considering the circumstances. 

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