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One month without Jungkook speaking to her is starting to take a toll.

She's beginning to wonder why he hasn't left.

Especially since he still refuses to sleep in the bed with her. Especially since he won't even look at her.

Especially since he's acting like she doesn't even exist.

Other than the small gesture of looking at their picture and choosing the movie she wanted to watch, he's acted like she's not even here.

And she can't lie and say that doesn't break her heart; she wonders if he wants to move on and leave her.

As much as that would shatter her, she wouldn't blame him.

As she lays in her cold, empty bed, tears streaming down her face and onto her pillow, she realizes that maybe she should let him let her go.

Is that best?

Her thoughts are interrupted as she hears Jungkook come into the bedroom, and she turns her head, her gaze immediately softening upon seeing his ethereal features illuminated by the moonlight shining through the open window.

She loves seeing the night sky, so she's always had the curtains pulled back at night so she can see it when she can't sleep.

Even if Jungkook resents her, he still keeps the curtains open for her.

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