He quickly washed his hair and scrubbed his body, getting out and staying nude as he blow dried his hair. He walked to his room, going through and picking out a nice outfit for you to see him in, a red button up with black dress pants and slacks. Casual, but formal.

He put his hair up into a low ponytail, excitement growing with seeing you. Kirishima quickly walked down the stairs, his father already grabbing a set of car keys. "I was thinking we could stop and get some gifts for (Name), if that is alright with you," the elder one said, smiling gently at his son. Kirishima returned the smile with a big, white toothy one. "You read my mind," he replied.


Kirishima's excitement quickly turned to nervousness as he entered the hospital. Questions raced through his mind at a million miles an hour, questions of how you would feel, act, or look around him anymore.

Do you hate him for what he's done? He's murdered many people, where you scared of him? Did he break your trust? Do you even remember him after all that head trauma? Speaking of trauma, how long will it take for you to be back to your usual self? He would wait all the time in the world for you, helping you with anything you needed, mentally and physically.

He was nervous about how other people would react to him, but he knew that the Heroes had requested that the police and government keep the incident quiet. He still couldn't quench that fear in his stomach as the receptionist at the front desk smiled at him. His father did all the talking, Kirishima preferring to stay silent as a nurse led him the room you were being kept in.

It was a decent walk to your ward, Kirishima's nervousness growing with every step. The same questions went through his mind as he started doubting himself. However, he was a bit too late when he arrived at the door. The nurse knocked on the door before a quite "come in" was said, and Kirishima instantly knew that it wasn't your voice.

It was Himawari's.

As Kirishima entered the room, his eyes fell on your sleeping figure, the gifts he had picked out nearly being crushed under the tight, sweaty grip he had on them. Even Eichii had a hard time pulling them out of his grasp before he destroyed them.

He also noticed the people in the room.

Shinsou lay on the sofa asleep, Taiga between his legs, and on top of the feline boy, lay Kaminari, the blonde's head laying on the melanin-rich boy's chest. Taiga's hand was resting on top of Kaminari's head, his other hand preoccupied being held by Shinsou's pale one. All three boys were sound asleep, soft snores coming from each of them.

The next person he noticed was Bakugou on the other side of the room, arms crossed and sound asleep, his brows furrowed and bottom lip slightly jutted out.

He glanced at Himawari, sitting next to you and your hand in her light grasp. She had prominent bags under her eyes, and her hair wasn't as soft and fluffy as it usually was. She also seemed much more pale than the last time he saw her.

"Kirishima," the freckled girl smiled at him. "Come, please sit." Himawari got up out of her chair, and gestured for the male to sit. He was about to argue when instead she went to sit by Bakugou, reaching her hand up to his head and ever so gently playing with his hair. Kirishima silently moved into the chair, taking your hand in his as Eichii set the gifts they had for you on the side table next to your bed.

"(Name) just fell asleep not too long ago, they're pretty exhausted with all the work nurses and doctors are doing on them," Himawari whispered. "They kept asking if you were okay and where you were when they were awake."

Kirishima smiled softly at that. Dammit (Name)... always so damn selfless... he thought. His calloused hand gently came up to rest on cheek, rubbing the tender flesh softly with his thumb.

He looked up as a nurse came with a small vase filled about halfway with water as she generously cut the ends off of the flowers he picked up for you, black roses mixed with your favorite flower type and color. A small plush of your favorite animal lay next to the vase, and next to that was a small pile of your desired candies and sweets. He also noticed all of the "Get well soon!" cards that piled up on the desk, many from your classmates. He even spied one from Tetsutetsu, which made the redhead grin.

He took your fragile hand in his, bringing it to his lips and kissing the knuckles lightly. "I'm sorry I failed to protect you, (Name)..." he whispered.

"Nonsense, Eijirou."

He looked up and nearly sobbed in his spot. Your eyes met his in a loving manner, your smile mirroring the feelings. "You never failed to protect me, Eijirou," you whispered, your voice hoarse. But to him, it was music to his ears. "If anything, you're the reason I'm alive."

Here come the waterworks.

You tried to sit your body up, Kirishima rushing to help you into a comfortable position. Himawari and Eichii noticed this, and immediately rushed over to aid. The rest of the boys in the room stirred as the door opened, revealing Class 2-A. They slowly walked over to you, Momo in the lead.

Your gaze met hers, and she felt herself shrink. She took a breath before bowing a deep bow. "(Last Name), I would like to formally apologize to you about how I treated you and Kirishima," she started. "I treated you unfairly just because of a few rumors that never included you and I never even bothered to learn the full story. I do not expect you to forgive me, but I hope that someday, you can."

Her bow lasted a few more seconds before she stood up straight, tears in her eyes. Jirou comforted her as the rest of the class apologized for behaviors towards you and Kirishima, the sight bringing tears to your eyes.

You never expected them to apologize.

Yet here they were, at least 17 people bowing before you and your lover, asking for your forgiveness.

You smiled softly at them. "I accept all of your apologies, however Eijirou might be more picky," you said, half-joking. He shot a playful glare your way, and your smile just grew. He gently leaned over to you and kissed you so softly, so lightly that it felt like he was brushing you with a feather.

"I love you so much, (Name)..." he whispered, his words only for you to hear. Your (e/c) eyes met his red ones. "I love you, too, Eijirou. More than you know," you mumbled back. He grinned, a single tear of joy falling from his face. He kissed you again, his kisses filled to the brim with love and passion for you.


A few weeks later, you were discharged from the hospital with a cast and crutches. You were almost surprised about how you walked out of that literal hellhole alive with just a broken knee. Kirishima was the one to drive you back to his place, walking with you out of the hospital and into his car. But you seemed to be a little bit on the worried side.

"(Name)? Darling, what's wrong?" The redhead asked. You blushed at the new nickname, as usually he called you Doll or baby. "It's nothing, Eijirou, I'm just..." you trailed off, his gaze flickering over to you concerningly as he kept his eyes on the road. "I'm worried about how I'm going to pay off these hospital bills."

He chuckled. "Babe, don't worry about it, Kaminari n' I already paid 'em off for ya," he said casually. You nearly jumped out of your skin. "Eijirou! That's a lot of money! You didn't have to do that!" You shouted, fighting the urge to hit him. He barked a laugh.

"I'd give all the money in the world if it meant you were okay."

You stared at him like an idiot, and he only looked at you and gave you a million dollar smile when he came to a red light. "Let's hurry and get home, yeah? I'll make you your favorite~" he chimed, giving you a quick kiss on your forehead before driving off again. 

Inked Heart - Mafia!Kirishima x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now